In this blog post, you will learn 100 synonyms that will help you master your English vocabulary. Synonyms are words that carry the same meaning, which is essential for understanding and using English fluently. Improving your vocabulary will enable you to communicate more effectively. Download the free PDF at the end of the post to continue building your skills.
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100 Synonym Words
In this section, we are going to provide you with a huge list of vocabulary words along with their synonyms. Let’s learn…
Words | Synonyms | Words | Synonym |
Acrimony | Harshness, bitterness | Arrange | Incriminate, indict |
Amplify | Augment, deepen | Abolish | Abrogate, annual |
Accord | Agreement, harmony | Adversity | Misfortune, calamity |
Abate | Moderate decrease | Acumen | Awareness, brilliance |
Adhere | Comply, observe | Abash | Disconcert, rattle |
Absolve | Pardon, forgive | Alleviate | Abate, relieve |
Abound | Flourish, proliferate | Allure | Entice, fascinate |
Abject | Despicable, servile | Adherent | Follower, disciple |
Axiom | Adage, truism | Authentic | Accurate, credible |
Abortive | Vain, unproductive | Adamant | Stubborn, inflexible |
Adjunct | Joined, Added | Admonish | Counsel, reprove |
Allay | Pacify, soothe | Alien | Foreigner, outsider |
Awkward | Rude, blundering | Ascend | Climb Escalate |
Abjure | Forsake, renounce | Audacity | Boldness, Courage |
100 Examples of Synonyms
Words | Synonyms | Words | Synonym |
Batty | Insane, silly | Conspicuous | Prominent, Obvious |
Bold | Adventurous | Contrary | Dissimilar, Conflicting |
Bleak | Grim, Austere | Censure | Rebuke, Reprimand |
Befogged | Becloud, Dim | Callous | Obdurate, Unfeeling |
Barren | Desolate, Sterile | Capable | Competent, Able |
Benevolent | Benign, Generous | Consequence | Effect, Outcome |
Barrier | Barricade, Obstacle | Contempt | Scorn, Disregard |
Bewitching | Alluring, charming | Candid | Blunt, Bluff |
Baffle | Astound, Faze | Camouflage | Cloak, Disguise |
Base | Vulgar, Coarse | Carnal | Earthly, Fleshly |
Baroque | Florid, gilt | Captivate | Beguile, Bewitch |
Busy | Active, Engaged | Captivity | Imprisonment, Confinement |
Brittle | Breakable, crisp | Chaste | Virtuous, Pure |
Bind | Predicament | Compact | Bunched, Thick |
Benign | Favorable, friendly | Calamity | Adversity, Misfortune |
Baffle | Astound, Faze | Calculating | Canny, Devious |
Blunt | Dull, Insensitive | Comic | Clown, Jester |
Bawdy | Erotic, Coarse | Captivate | Charm, Fascinate |
Cunning | Acute, Smart | Comprise | Include, Contain |
Synonyms words in English
Words | Synonyms | Words | Synonym |
Concede | Yield, Permit | Calumny | Defamation |
Callous | Insensitive | Concur | Approve, Agree |
Calm | Harmonious | Celebrated | Acclaimed, Lionized |
Consent | Agree, Permit | Catholic | Generic, Liberal |
Contradict | Deny, Oppose | Chastise | Punish, Admonish |
Cement | Plaster, Mortar | Consolidate | Solidify, Strengthen |
Clandestine | Covert, Furtive | Compassion | Kindness, Sympathy |
Creation | Formation | Coarse | Bawdy, Boorish |
Courtesy | Generosity | Classic | Simple, Typical |
Condemn | Castigate, Chide | Cease | Terminate, Desist |
Cheap | Competitive | Docile | Pliable, Pliant |
Conceit | Egotism, Immodesty | Eclipse | Diminution |
Consolidate | Centralize, Fortify | Eccentric | Strange, Abnormal |
Compress | Abbreviate, Shrink | Encumbrance | Hindrance, Obstacle |
Confident | Bold, Undaunted | Equivocal | Uncertain, Hazy |
Condemn | Castigate, Chide | Eager | Keen, Acquisitive |
The above tables cover a wide range of synonym examples in English. We use these words in our daily lives, and it’s important to know the synonyms of these words. Now, you can download a PDF book of this lesson:
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