
100 Synonym Words Examples with PDF

100 Synonym Words Examples with PDF
Written by Vocabish

In this blog post, you will learn 100 synonyms that will help you master your English vocabulary. Synonyms are words that carry the same meaning, which is essential for understanding and using English fluently. Improving your vocabulary will enable you to communicate more effectively. Download the free PDF at the end of the post to continue building your skills.

Explore more vocabulary on synonyms, antonyms, and vocabulary topics.

100 Synonym Words

In this section, we are going to provide you with a huge list of vocabulary words along with their synonyms. Let’s learn…

Words Synonyms  Words Synonym 
Acrimony Harshness, bitterness Arrange Incriminate, indict
Amplify Augment, deepen Abolish Abrogate, annual
Accord Agreement, harmony Adversity Misfortune, calamity
Abate Moderate decrease Acumen Awareness, brilliance
Adhere Comply, observe Abash Disconcert, rattle
Absolve Pardon, forgive Alleviate Abate, relieve
Abound Flourish, proliferate Allure Entice, fascinate
Abject Despicable, servile Adherent Follower, disciple
Axiom Adage, truism Authentic Accurate, credible
Abortive Vain, unproductive Adamant Stubborn, inflexible
Adjunct Joined, Added Admonish Counsel, reprove
Allay Pacify, soothe Alien Foreigner, outsider
Awkward Rude, blundering Ascend Climb Escalate
Abjure Forsake, renounce Audacity Boldness, Courage
100 Synonym Words Examples with PDF

100 Synonyms Examples with PDF

100 Examples of Synonyms

Words Synonyms  Words Synonym 
Batty Insane, silly Conspicuous Prominent, Obvious
Bold Adventurous Contrary Dissimilar, Conflicting
Bleak Grim, Austere Censure Rebuke, Reprimand
Befogged Becloud, Dim Callous Obdurate, Unfeeling
Barren Desolate, Sterile Capable Competent, Able
Benevolent Benign, Generous Consequence Effect, Outcome
Barrier Barricade, Obstacle Contempt Scorn, Disregard
Bewitching Alluring, charming Candid Blunt, Bluff
Baffle Astound, Faze Camouflage Cloak, Disguise
Base Vulgar, Coarse Carnal Earthly, Fleshly
Baroque Florid, gilt Captivate Beguile, Bewitch
Busy Active, Engaged Captivity Imprisonment, Confinement
Brittle Breakable, crisp Chaste Virtuous, Pure
Bind Predicament Compact Bunched, Thick
Benign Favorable, friendly Calamity Adversity, Misfortune
Baffle Astound, Faze Calculating Canny, Devious
Blunt Dull, Insensitive Comic Clown, Jester
Bawdy Erotic, Coarse Captivate Charm, Fascinate
Cunning Acute, Smart Comprise Include, Contain
100 Synonym Words Examples with PDF

100 English Words and Their Synonyms

Synonyms words in English

Words Synonyms  Words Synonym 
Concede Yield, Permit Calumny Defamation
Callous Insensitive Concur Approve, Agree
Calm Harmonious Celebrated Acclaimed, Lionized
Consent Agree, Permit Catholic Generic, Liberal
Contradict Deny, Oppose Chastise Punish, Admonish
Cement Plaster, Mortar Consolidate Solidify, Strengthen
Clandestine Covert, Furtive Compassion Kindness, Sympathy
Creation Formation Coarse Bawdy, Boorish
Courtesy Generosity Classic Simple, Typical
Condemn Castigate, Chide Cease Terminate, Desist
Cheap Competitive Docile Pliable, Pliant
Conceit Egotism, Immodesty Eclipse Diminution
Consolidate Centralize, Fortify Eccentric Strange, Abnormal
Compress Abbreviate, Shrink Encumbrance Hindrance, Obstacle
Confident Bold, Undaunted Equivocal Uncertain, Hazy
Condemn Castigate, Chide Eager Keen, Acquisitive
100 Synonym Words Examples with PDF

Synonyms Examples PDF

The above tables cover a wide range of synonym examples in English. We use these words in our daily lives, and it’s important to know the synonyms of these words. Now, you can download a PDF book of this lesson:


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About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University, having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to students with diverse cultures. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.


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