Learn the easiest way to memorize the 500 English words and their synonyms with a free PDF book. In this lesson, we will learn a huge list of English synonym examples with their free PDF book. The PDF book of this lesson is attached at the bottom of this page after the images. Learn the entire synonyms example and improve your vocabulary. When your vocabulary is good, then you can speak English fluently. Speaking English fluently helps us to leave a good impression of your speaking skills and conversation.
English Words and Their Synonyms
In English, there are many words along their synonyms. But here, we will only focus on the basic and common English words and their synonyms, which we use in our daily lives. Learning the daily vocabulary words along their synonyms improves our communication and speaking skills. If you want to speak English fluently, then your vocabulary collection must be good. In this section, I’m going to share with you a list of 500 English synonym words. Let’s learn…
Related: 150 Common English Antonyms
500 Synonym Words
Words | Synonyms | Words | Synonyms |
Greedy | Zealous | Artistry | Taxidermy |
Unclear | Vague | Locate | Unearth |
Regret | Scruple | Slice | Segment |
Victor | Winner | Lampoon | Satire |
Rubenesque | Zaftig | Revered | Venerable |
Approaching | Upcoming | Valley | Vale |
Hot | Zesty | Consign | Relegate |
Obstinate | Unregenerate | Dissolver | Xylene |
Impartial | Unbiased | View | Vista |
Restful | Tranquil | Sincere | Wholehearted |
Revenge | Vendetta | Smart | Wise |
To Grumble | To Grouse | Push | Trundle |
Dimly | Zazaki | Last Day | Yesterday |
Bucolic | Yokel | Second | Sec |
Drag | Yank | Separation | X-division |
Alternate | Yo-yo | Feeble | Weak |
Skeptic | Sceptic | To Infer | To Deduce |
Backache | Sciatica | Citified | Urban |
Trifle | Tchotchkes | Humourless | Zany |
Rearing | Upbringing | Old | Worn |
After All | Yet | Light | Xanthic |
Authority | Regnant | Remedial | Therapeutic |
Trendy | Zeitgeisty | Needle Work | Sampler |
Transplant | Xenografts | Pattern | Tessellate |
Related: 1000 A-Z Synonym Words with PDF
A-Z Synonyms Examples
Words | Synonyms | Words | Synonyms |
Energetic | Untiring | Sing | Yodel |
Desertic | Xerothermic | Institution | Seminary |
Woody plant | Xylems | Fledgling | Young bird |
Vigor | Verve | Possibility | Viability |
Reimbursement | Restitution | Tocology | Xenogeny |
Death camas | Zigadene | Control | Temperance |
Wavy | Undulate | Awareness | Sensibility |
Range in | Zero in | Positive | Sanguine |
Modify | Update | Exceed | Transcend |
Pale | Wan | Social phobia | Xenophobia |
Timely | Well timed | Transform | Transmute |
Imperative | Urgent | Unlettered | Uneducated |
Blooming | Young | Success | Victory |
Prattle | Yack | Annual | Yearlong |
Prudence | Sagacity | Perturb | Upset |
Lady | Woman | Average | Yardstick |
Disquiet | Unease | Assets | Wealth |
Support | Undergird | Disrespect | Scorn |
Barking | Yap | Misdirecting | Wry |
Current | Vortex | Guarantee | Warranty |
Revoke | Renege | Apeirogon | Zerogon |
Francisco | Xavier | Glowing | Ruddy |
Miniskirt | Sarong | Apogee | Vertex |
Sugar | Xylose | Reputation | Titan |
To set up | To establish | Drop | Trifle |
Related: 100 Antonym Examples
Synonyms Examples in English
Words | Synonyms | Words | Synonyms |
Dregs | Sediment | Clippers | Xebecs |
Rigid airship | Zeppelin | Bellow | Yowl |
Finish | Veneer | Drop | Trifle |
Clinic | Sanatorium | Polite | Well mannered |
Bore | Yawn | Strong woman | Virago |
Bumpkin | Yahoo | Strong | Robust |
Boom | Resound | Ceremonial dinner | Seder |
Unthinkable | Taboo | Chamber | Ventricle |
Potent | Virulent | Chance | Serendipity |
Boundless | Untold | Scathing | Vituperative |
Blab | Yak | Stroll | Walk |
Creepy | Uncanny | Record | Write |
Frothy | Yeasty | Reckless | Wild |
Apprehension | Trepidation | Prevail | Win |
Lethal | Venomous | Charm | Wheedle |
Farewell speech | Valedictory | Stream | Wadi |
Succeed | Win | Termagant | Xanthippe |
Caterwauling | Yowling | To function | To operate |
Untoward | Untoward | Standard score | Z score |
Record | Yearbook | Change | Tipping point |
Subdue | Vanquish | Flame | Sear |
Hungry | Voracious | Cool | Sedate |
Raucous | Vociferous | Chinese white | Zinc oxide |
Caucasian elm | Zelkova | Inopportune | Untimely |
Hospitality | Xenodochy | Stagnate | Vegetate |
Related: 100 Synonym Examples
500 English Words with Synonyms
Words | Synonyms | Words | Synonyms |
Stylish | Urbane | Sorting | Triage |
Boat | Yacht | Diseased | Septic |
Get | Score | Bawl | Yelp |
Complete | Total | Jazz | Riff |
Goofball | Zany | Lash of whip | Whiplash |
Agitate | Roil | Flavor | Zest |
Pike-perch | Zander | To assess | To evaluate |
Authenticity | Veracity | Salt | Xanthate |
Deviation | Red herring | Amazing | Wonderful |
Garage sale | Yard sale | Container | Tank |
Filling | Woof | Deathless | Undying |
Friendly | Xenial | Jack | Yachter |
Active | Youthful | Wooden | Xyloid |
Gossiper | Yenta | Footing | Traction |
Assistance | Relief | Slake | Satiate |
Fanatism | Zealotry | Solvent | Xylol |
Spoil | Scuttle | Ice resurfacer | Zamboni |
Timbre | Resonance | Pedestrian crossing | Zebra crossing |
To appoint | To nominate | Grape growing | Viticulture |
Splendid | Wonderful | Position | Upend |
Cut back | Retrench | Boat | Sampan |
Nothing | Zero point | Empty | Vacant |
Yellowish | Xanthic | Get to point | Talk turkey |
White vitriol | Zinc vitriol | Postal code | Zip |
Excessively | Unduly | Sixth sense | Telepathy |
Related: Common English Words and Their Synonyms
English Words with their Synonyms
Words | Synonyms | Words | Synonyms |
To Relate | To Narrate | Ordinal | Zillion |
Christmas | Xmas | Woody | Xyloid |
Duplicator | Xeroxing | Excise | Tariff |
Dry | Xeric | Fire | Zeal |
Eagerly | Zealously | Rule, | Regime |
Unpronounceable | Untouchable | Sick | Upchuck |
Conduction | Vascular | Genius | Wunderkind |
Briefs | Y-fronts | Firm | Tenacious |
Acceptance | Voguism | Syrupy | Treacly |
Prudence | Sagacity | Corruption | Venality |
Prosper | Thrive | Sword-shaped | Xiphoid |
Cry | Yip | Malicious | Vicious |
Experiment | Totem | Desire | Want |
Curative | Remedial | Hurry | Zincous |
Disease | Xenophobic | New | Untried |
Termagant | Xanthe | Monkey Pod | Zaman |
Luxury | Xanadu | Passing | Transient |
Mistaken | Wrong | Swindle | Scam |
Breeze | Zephyr | Lethargic | Weary |
Scold | Yell At | To Seize | To Grab |
Sacredness | Sanctity | Nil | Zilch |
Put Right | Rectify | Chores | Scot Work |
Perceptible | Tactile | Chatter | Yackety-yak |
Lazy | Torpid | Curve | Yaw |
Hunger | Voraciousness | Save | Resuscitate |
The above listed words in given tables covers a wide range of synonym words in English. We use these words in our daily routine and we must need to memorize these words. After reading the entire listed words, you will be able to speak English fluently without making any mistakes.
Now, you can download a free PDF book of these synonym examples:
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