
500 English Vocabulary Words with Synonyms

500 English Vocabulary Words with Synonyms
Written by Vocabish

Important English vocabulary synonyms are essential for expanding your vocabulary and improving your language skills. These words are commonly used in daily conversation and help you communicate more effectively and confidently. Enriching your vocabulary allows you to speak fluently and expressively. By mastering synonyms, you can improve communication with friends, teachers, and colleagues. Download this list of English vocabulary synonyms to boost your language skills quickly and easily. It’s a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their English proficiency.

List of English Vocabulary Words

Word Meaning
1 Signalized Highlighted
2 Ruthless Merciless
3 Extermination Vanishing
4 Victor Champion
5 Aquiline Eagle lake
6 Exceptional Excellent
7 Wiped out Eliminated
8 Escape Running away
9 Bedouin An Arab of the desert
10 Dash Rush, hurry
11 Evidently Clearly
12 Heed Attention
13 Reassurance Guarantee
14 Gain Attain
15 Penniless Without a penny
16 Set out Journey
17 Barely Hardly
18 Assassination Murder
19 Pursed Chased
20 Refused Shelter
21 Strait Arm of the sea
22 Persist Continue
23 Contest Challenge
24 Comfort Preserver
25 Foe Enemy
26 Fervent Emotional
27 Rejoinder Response
28 Subdue Defeat
29 Monarch Ruler
30 Inhabitant Resident
31 Basin Bowl
32 Statue Sculpture
33 Present Gift
34 Excavated Dugout
35 Treason Traitorousness
36 Brigandage Attack
37 Flourish Grow
38 Revenue Income
39 Suffice Be enough
40 Reserve Stock
41 Prosperous Flourishing
42 Triumphant Victorious
43 Malignant Serious
44 Dynasty Reign
45 Accession Inheritance
46 Awe Fear
47 Border Boundary
48 Subsequently Later
49 Threshold Doorstep
50 Saxon Prehistoric
51 Monopoly Service
52 Thrive Flourish
53 Pottery Stoneware
54 Ruby Seed pearl
55 Inlay Decorate
56 Plain Lowland
57 Peninsula Almost an island
58 Peasantry Small farmer
59 Glory Splendor
60 Cascade Water fall
61 Adversity Misfortune
62 Favor Goodwill
63 Sermon Address
64 Delivered Expressed
65 Title Designation
66 Successor Heir
67 Contented Satisfied
68 Shake off Cut off relations
69 Recognized Admitted
70 Realm Kingdom
71 Consolidated Stable
72 Domain Kingdom
73 Aqueduct Watercourse
74 Erect Construct
75 Imitation Resemblance
76 Ancestor Forerunners
77 Villa Cottage
78 Exotic Foreign
79 Verse Lyric
80 Found Lay the foundation
81 Rival Equal
82 Shrine Temple
83 Column Pillar
84 Cathedral Pertaining to a bishop’s throne
85 Boast Enjoy
86 Arch Archway
87 Initiate Start off
88 Glorious Magnificent
89 Envoys Ambassadors
90 Byzantine Constantinople
91 Ripe age Old age
92 Sovereignty Supremacy
93 Unstable Unsteady
94 Nominal Symbolic
95 Impose Enforce
96 Ascension Succeed to the throne
97 Outstanding Well known
98 Predecessor Ancestor
99 Sagacity Wisdom
100 Proclamation Announcement


Synonyms Examples in English

Words Synonyms
superb magnificent
sunrise dawn
sundown sunset
suggest propose
sufficient ample
successful prosperous
substantially considerably
stupid silly
stupid dense
steady regular
stationary fixed
stable steady
spotlight highlight
spontaneous automatic
special exceptional
soiled dirty
skull cranium
sincere honest
silly foolish
significant meaningful
signal sign
self-assured confident
selection choice
second moment
scrumptious delicious
scarcity shortage
satisfied convinced
sacristy vestry
rude impolite
rubbish nonsense
revolting disgusting
repute reputation
removable detachable
remoted isolated
remorse regret
reminiscence memory
remark comment
remainder the rest
religious devout
reliable dependable
refrain chorus
 reasonable fair
quite fairly
provided if
prosperous affluent
prompt immediate
priority precedence

English Vocabulary Words with Synonyms

Words Synonym
previous preceding
pressing urgent
precis summary
precept principle
precedence priority
praise compliment
practically virtually
possibility opportunity
poisonous toxic
pocket book notebook
phantasm illusion
perception insight
peaceable peaceful
pattern sample
passable satisfactory
particular specific
paper money notes
painting portray
overseas abroad
outside external
ornament decoration
organic biological
omnipotent all-powerful
off-season low season
obsolete out of date
oblique indirect
obligatory compulsory
object thing
obdurate stubborn
numerous many
nugatory worthless
notwithstanding however
noted famous
noon midday
non-stop continuous
nobility the Aristocracy
nightfall dusk
nice pleasing
new fresh
neutral impartial
nervous perturbed
negligent inattentive
necessary essential
neat tidy
naughty disobedient
napkin serviette
nameless anonymous
naked bare
mysterious occult
murderer assassin
movie film
mourn grieve
morose sullen
moreover in addition
more and more increasingly
morbid awful
moral ethical
monotonous boring
momentous powerful
moment occasion
modern contemporary
moderately reasonably
moderate lenient
mobile moveable
mistrust distrust
missing lost
misread misinterpret
misfortune mishap
misery distress
miserable depressing
mischievous impish

Vocabulary words with Synonyms

Words Synonyms
mirth Fun
minor lesser
mindless senseless
mind intellect
militant combative
mild gentle
migrant drifting
midway halfway
middleman intermediary
merciless cruel
mendacity lying
mend repair
meeting assembly
mediocre fair
measure degree
mean unkind
meager scanty
maybe perhaps, possibly
maximum uppermost
matters things
material fabric
mannequin model
manmade artificial
maneuver manipulate
mandatory required
magnify expand
magistrate Justice of the Peace
magician conjuror
madness insanity
mackintosh waterproof coat
lucid clear
loveable habitable
lousy awful
loopy crazy
livid furious
lethal deadly
legitimate valid, leva
leading main
last final
lacking missing
knowingly deliberately
 joy delight
jealous envious
isolated lonely
invoice bill
inventory stock
intriguing fascinating
intolerant bigoted
interplay interaction
internal inner
intellectual mental
insurgent rebel
insupportable intolerable
insufficient inadequate
insufferable unbearable
instructions directions
instinct intuition
insolvent bankrupt
innocent harmless
inheritor heir
infuriate enrage
infrequent rare
informal casual
inflow influx
inflexible rigid
inferior substandard
infantile childish
infamous notorious
indisputable undeniable
independent autonomous
inconsiderate thoughtless
incidentally by the way
in the meantime meanwhile
important meaningful
impolite rude
impetuous reckless
imperfect faulty
imperative vital
imperative crucial
impediment obstacle

Daily Used Synonyms Examples

Words Synonyms
impatient eager
impassive emotionless
impasse deadlock
impartial neutral
impartial neutral
immune exempt
immodest conceited
immoderate excessive
immobile motionless
immediate instant
immature inexperienced
immaculate spotless
illiberal intolerant
ignorant unaware
if whether
idler loafer
idle lazy
identical duplicate
hypothesis speculation
hunger starvation
humble modest
huge vast
housebreaking burglary
hostile antagonistic
hospitable cordial
honest truthful
homicide murder
home domestic
hole gap
hold grasp
hint trace, tip
highbrow intellectual
high elevated
hermetic airtight
help aid
hearsay rumor
hate loathe
hashish cannabis
hard tough
hard firm
happily fortunately
hang-out haunt
handsome good-looking
hall corridor
gut intestine

500 Synonyms Examples in English

Words Synonyms
gravestone headstone
gratuity tip
gratis free of charge
grasping greedy
gay homosexual
garbage can trashcan
french dressing vinaigrette
fragrance perfume
foyer lobby
foxy cunning
fortunate lucky
formerly previously
forehead brow
foolish silly
fool idiot
fantastic great, brilliant
fanatic enthusiast
famous famed, renowned
extra additional
except apart from
exactly precisely
everlasting eternal
especially particularly
equity fairness
enormous huge, immense
enemy opponent
encourage support
empty drain
egocentric selfish
ecstasy joy
economic profitable
eccentric unusual
easy simple
earth soil
early premature
eager keen
dumb stupid
dull (person) stupid
dull blunt
dubious doubtful
dubious doubtful
dry arid
dreadful terrible
drastic extreme
drab dull
doubt mistrust
dossier file
dormant inactive
domesticate cultivate


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About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University, having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to students with diverse cultures. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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