In this blog post, you’ll learn about abbreviations for texting, which can significantly increase your typing speed and efficiency. Using abbreviations instead of full words in text messages not only saves time but also allows you to communicate quickly and effectively. Abbreviations like “LOL,” “BRB,” and “BTW” are commonly used to shorten messages and talk in coded forms. Mastering these abbreviations will make texting faster and more fun for students and everyday users alike.
Abbreviation for Texting
In this section, you are going to learn the abbreviations for everyday chatting or conversation, along with their full forms and their use in easy and simple sentences. Learning the use of abbreviations through sentences helps you use these short forms in your texting, chatting, or everyday conversation. Let’s learn these A to Z abbreviations list with their full forms:
List of Abbreviations for Texting
ACK | Acknowledgment |
AUS | Are you serious? |
CTN | Can’t talk now |
CWYL | Chat with you latter |
C&P | Copy and Paste |
DTR | Define the relationship |
DUK | Do you Know? |
FACK | Full Acknowledge |
GB | Good Bye |
IDK | I don’t know |
N/A | Not Available / Applicable |
OTOH | On the other Hand |
TBA | To be Announced |
2N8 | Tonight |
w00t | Whoomp, there it is; Meaning “Hooray” |
APP | Application |
AFK | Away from Keyboard |
BCOY | Big crush on you |
CRT | Create |
DGMW | Don’t get me wrong |
DL | Download |
4Uri | For your info |
FTW | Fuck the World / For the Win |
IMNSHO | In my not so Humble / Honest Opinion |
Noob N00b | Newbie |
ROTFL | Rolling on the Floor Laughing |
CU | See you |
10 Q | Thank you |
THX TNX | Thanks |
WTF | What the Fuck |
AAMOF | As a Matter of Fact |
B4 | Before |
BR | Best regards |
BTW | By the Way |
DUR | Do you remember? |
EOT | End of Thread / .. Text / .. Transmission |
4AO | For adults only |
GBU | God Bless you! |
ICUB | I call you Back |
ICYMI | In Case you missed it |
MMW | Mark my Words |
OT | Off Topic |
CUO | See you Online |
SPOC | Single Point of Contact |
TYVM | Thank You Very Much |
ACK | Acknowledge |
AKA | Also known as |
COS | Because |
CM | Call me |
DIY | Do it Yourself |
DUKM | Do you know me? |
EOL | End of the Lecture |
FWIW | For what it’s Worth |
BDY | Happy Birthday |
143 | I love you |
IMO | In my Opinion |
NOYB | None of your Business |
RSVP | Repondez s’il vous plait (French: Please reply) |
TIA | Thanks in Advance |
WTH | What the Hell / What the Heck |
B2K BTK | Back to Keyboard |
BC | Be cool |
BT | Bite this |
BIL | Brother in law |
DH | Dear Husband |
Abbreviations for texting with examples:
- He sent an ACK to confirm he got the message.
- OMG, that was an amazing story!
- I’ll be back in a minute, BRB.
- IDK what time the game starts.
- I laughed out loud, LOL!
- Finish your homework B4 dinner.
- The joke was so funny, ROFL!
- He’s a N00b at this game.
100 Texting Abbreviations
EMA | Email address |
EOD | End of Discussion |
HF | Have fun |
ITT | In this Thread |
OMG | Oh my God |
6k | Sick |
SCNR | Sorry, could not Resist |
TTYL | Talk to you Later |
YMMD | You made my Day |
FYI / JFYI | (Just) For your Information |
B/C | Because |
BF | Boyfriend |
Cam | Camera |
CB | Coffee break |
DIKU | Do I know you? |
EOBD | End of Business Day |
EOL | End of life |
IOW | In other Words |
NRN | No Reply Necessary |
9 | Parent is watching |
RTFM | Read the fine Manual |
TQ | Thank You |
YAM | Yet Another Meeting |
AFAIR | As far as I remember / recall |
ASAP | As soon as possible |
BIL | Brother in law |
CTO | Check this out |
CYS | Check your Settings |
DM | Direct message |
FKA | Formerly known as |
G2R | Go to run |
IMHO | In my Humble Opinion |
LU | Love you |
NNTR | No need to Reply |
POV | Point of View |
10 X | Thanks |
TGIF | Thanks God, its Friday |
WRT | With Regard to |
ATB | All the best |
AFAIK | As far as I know |
BIB | Boss is back |
Dud | Dude |
FAQ | Frequently asked Questions |
GF | Girl Friend |
GL | Good Luck |
1432 | I love you too |
IIRC | If I Recall / Remember Correctly |
NaN | Not a Number |
Example sentences for texting abbreviations:
- She sent me an EMA about the project.
- I’ll finish the report by EOD.
- He wrote HFIT to wish me good luck.
- I heard TTOMG from a friend!
- Send me the details via SC.
- I’ll get back to you, NRT.”
- FYI, the meeting has been rescheduled.
- JFYI, the test is tomorrow.
- We are late B/C of the traffic.
Chatting Abbreviations with Full forms
PEBKAC | Problem exists between Keyboard and Chair |
CU | See you |
CUL | See you later |
TBC | To be Continued / To be Confirmed |
WFM | Works for Me |
BTT | Back to Topic |
BB | Big Brother |
BPLM | Big person, little mind |
DBEYR | Don’t Believe everything you read |
EOM | End of Message |
E1 | Everyone |
4YEO FYEO | For Your Eyes Only |
GN8T | Good night |
HTH | Hope this Helps |
LOL | Laughing out loud |
OP | Original Poster, Original Post |
SFLR | Sorry, for late Reply |
TYT | Take your Time |
W8ng | Waiting |
YMMV | Your Mileage may vary |
List of texting abbreviations with sentences:
- It was just a PEBKAC issue, not a computer problem.
- I’ll CU at the party!
- Goodbye! CUL tomorrow.
- The time for the event is TBC.
- This solution WFM perfectly!
- Let’s get BTT and solve this issue.
- He promised to BBB soon.
- We’ll fix it with some PLM.
- That answer is DBEY.
- The file was sent REOME.
- I’ll give it a 1 out of 10.
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