
2000 Antonym Words Examples in English

1800 English Words and Their Antonyms with PDF
Written by Vocabish

In this lesson, you will learn 2000 antonym words in English along with their meanings to help expand your vocabulary. Studying words with their opposite meanings enhances your understanding and communication skills. A free PDF containing all 2000 antonyms and meanings is attached at the bottom of the page for easy access. Mastering antonyms helps you use the right words in the right context and improves your language fluency.

English Words and Their Antonyms

As we all know by the name of this term “Opposite Words”. The definition of this term is that they keep opposite-meaning words. For example:

  • Hot – Cold
  • Big – Small
  • Tall – Short
  • Fast – Slow
  • Happy – Sad
  • Day – Night
  • Inside – Outside
  • Up – Down
  • Open – Closed
  • Love – Hate

The above examples show the concept of opposite-meaning words in English. That’s why we call these words as opposite words. Let’s repeat the definition of an antonym word: In English, the words that are kept opposite meaning words are called antonym words. When we use them together, they provide a clear distinction between two opposing aspects. Let’s explore the 2000 English words and their antonyms:

2000 Antonym Words Examples

Word Antonym-1 Antonym-2 Antonym-3 Antonym-4
Alive Unconscious Sluggish Deceased Dead
Advance  Retire Behind Later Retreat
Admit Repudiate Expel Oust Deny
Agree Reject Resist Object Disagree
Answer  Query Quiet Trouble Question
Absence Plenty Existence Enough Presence
Abundant Lacking Sparse Meager Scarce
Accurate Indefinite Unreliable Faulty Inaccurate
Advantage Harm Impotence Inferiority Disadvantage
Artificial Genuine Real Unaffected Natural
Attack Flight Shelter Shield Defense
Accept Fail Deny Reject Refuse
Ascend Drop Slump Decline Descend
Attention Disregard Lethargy Neglect Inattention
Approached  Departed Leave Retreat Receded
Approval Denial Veto Refusal Disapproval
Ancient Current Fresh New Modern
Asleep Conscious Attentive Awake Awake
Ally Antagonist Detractor Foe Enemy
1800 English Words and Their Antonyms with PDF

Opposite Words

As you can see above, we provide four antonyms of each word. So, you can easily memorize these words by using any one of them in your conversation or communication. By practicing these words with your friends, colleagues, or strangers, you can easily improve your vocabulary. Let’s begin with today’s lesson for more interesting words:

Antonym Words Examples in English

Word Antonym-1 Antonym-2 Antonym-3 Antonym-4
Bravery Timidity Fear Cowardice Cowardice
Courteous  Rude Uncivil Unrefined Discourteous
Broad Quiet Little Tiny Narrow
Blunt Polite Subtle Sharp Sharp
Captivity  Liberty Freedom License Freedom
Correct Improper Invalid Biased Incorrect
Cunning Ignorant Blunt Rough Simple
Courage Humility Timidity Irresolution Cowardice
Calm Harsh Furious Worried Troubled
Comfort Gloom Injury Torment Discomfort
Cruel Gentle Compassionate Mild Kind
Borrow Forfeit Lend Return Lend
Clever Foolish Ignorant Naïve Stupid
Beginning Finish Epilogue Finale Ending
Cheap  Expensive Expensive Worthy Dear
Beautiful Drab Offensive Repulsive Ugly
Conceal Divulge Unwrap Ignore Reveal
Capable Clumsy Stupid Ignorant Incapable
Careful  Careless Inexact Unwise Rush
Bitter Bland Pleasant Mild Sweet
Blame Approval Peace Ratification Praise
1800 English Words and Their Antonyms with PDF

1800 Words and Opposites

1000 Opposite Words in English

Word Antonym-1 Antonym-2 Antonym-3 Antonym-4
Dainty Ugly Inferior Coarse Clumsy
Frank Timidity Shy Evasive Secretive
Feeble Strong  Powerful Expert Sturdy
Freedom Slavery Inability Restraint Captivity
Foolish  Sane Realistic Serious Wise
Demand Reply Offer Grant Supply
Famous Obscure Inferior Typical Unknown
First Minor Trivial Auxiliary Last
Friend Foe Stranger Opponent Enemy
Ebb Flow Incline Expansion Flow
Fortunate Failing Lacking Losing Unfortunate
Decrease Expansion Growth Enlargement Increase
Dark Distinct Evident Vivacious Light
Expand Diminish Shrink Shrivel Contract
Entrance Conclusion Egress Leave Exit
Despair Cheer Faith Pleasure Hope
Expensive Cheap Worthless Reasonable Inexpensive
Frequent Ceasing Irregular Rare Seldom
Dismal Bright Intelligent Luminous Cheerful
End Bottom Creation Origin Beginning
Disappear Begin Solidify Coagulate Appear
Fail Ascend Rise Reach Succeed
Deep Artless Flighty Trivial Shallow
Encourage Agitate Sadden Dispirit Discourage
1800 English Words and Their Antonyms with PDF

Words and Opposites in English

50 Examples of Opposite Words

Word Antonym-1 Antonym-2 Antonym-3 Antonym-4
Gentle Surly Excited Harsh Rough
Giant  Pygmy Dwarf Teeny Dwarf
Justice Penalty Illegality Corruption Injustice
Interior  Outside Revealed Public Exterior
Happy  Miserable Serious Morose Sad
Immense  Minute Limited Restricted Tiny
Gloomy Lively Luminous Intelligent Cheerful
Hate Liking Sympathy Flattery Love
Intentional Involuntary Unwilling Unplanned Accidental
Knowledge Inanity Stupidity Impotence Ignorance
Healthy  Ill  Diseased Infirm Unhealthy
Hinder  Help Further Allow Aid
Hasten Halt Hinder Dissuade Dawdle
Generous Greedy Biased Prejudiced Mean
Interesting  Dull Repulsive Homely Uninteresting
Horizontal Divergent Unfair Irregular Vertical
Hunger Distaste Disgust Satiation Thirst
Honest Counterfeit Deceitful Corrupt Dishonest
Inferior Chief Extraordinary Foremost Superior
Imprison Cease Permit Release Free
Humble Brave Unrefined Intricate Proud
Harmful Assisting Honest Fortunate Harmless
1800 English Words and Their Antonyms with PDF

1000+ English Words and Antonyms

200 Examples of Opposite Words

Word Antonym-1 Antonym-2 Antonym-3
Strong Weak Idle Intermittent
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Unreliable Intolerable
Misunderstand Understand Construe Comprehend
Serious Trivial Dishonest Insincere
Sour Sweet Calm Bland
Rapid Slow Sluggish Delayed
Rigid Pliable Gentle  Soft
Lofty Lowly Below Humble
Little Large  Big  Much
Sorrow Joy Cheer Benefit
Lazy Industrious Caring  Energetic
Prudent Imprudent Indiscreet Foolish
Possible Impossible Improbable Unlikely
Scatter Collect Maintain Gather
1800 English Words and Their Antonyms with PDF

English Words and Antonyms

Related: 100 Examples of the Antonym Words

English Words Meanings with Antonyms

In this section, we will learn the meanings and their antonyms of the above-listed words. Learning the words with meanings and antonyms helps us to clear the confusion between these words in English. When we know the meanings of these words, then we can easily use their opposite meaning words. Let’s start it:

Word Meaning Antonym
Abundant Plentiful, ample Scarce
Accept Acknowledge, receive Reject
Accurate Precise, correct Inaccurate
Active Energetic, engaged Inactive
Add Include, append Subtract
Advance Progress, improvement Retreat
Agree Consent, concur Disagree
Aid Assist, help Hinder
Alert Vigilant, attentive Drowsy
Ally Associate, Partner Enemy
Ancient Old, antique Modern
Answer Respond, reply Question
Apparent Obvious, clear Hidden
Approach Method, strategy Avoid
Arrogant Proud, haughty Humble
Ascend Climb, rise Descend
Attack Assault, strike Defend
Authentic Genuine, real Fake
Awful Terrible, dreadful Wonderful
Balance Equilibrium, stability Imbalance
Beautiful Attractive, lovely Ugly
Begin Commence, start End
Benevolent Kind, generous Malevolent
Best Finest, Superior Worst
Bitter Sour, acrid Sweet
Brave Courageous, fearless Cowardly
Bright Radiant, vivid Dull
Cautious Careful, wary Reckless
Certain Confident, definite Doubtful
Challenge Test, dare Support
1800 English Words and Their Antonyms with PDF

1800 English Words Meanings and Antonyms

Opposite Words with Meanings

Word Meaning Antonym
Charming Delightful, captivating Repulsive
Cheap Inexpensive, affordable Expensive
Cheerful Happy, joyful Sad
Clear Transparent, obvious Unclear
Close Near, adjacent Distant
Comfortable Cozy, pleasant Uncomfortable
Common Ordinary, typical Rare
Complete Whole, entire Incomplete
Complex Complicated, intricate Simple
Confident Assured, self-assured Insecure
Confuse Baffle, puzzle Clarify
Consider Contemplate, ponder Disregard
Constructive Positive, helpful Destructive
Correct Accurate, right Incorrect
Courageous Brave, valiant Timid
Create Generate, produce Destroy
Cruel Brutal, heartless Kind
Curious Inquisitive, eager Indifferent
Dangerous Hazardous, risky Safe
Dark Dim, obscure Bright
Defend Protect, guard Attack
Delay Postpone, defer Expedite
Depend Rely on, count on Independent
Despair Hopelessness, discouragement Hope
Destroy Ruin, demolish Build
Different Diverse, distinct Similar
Difficult Challenging, hard Easy
Diminish Reduce, decrease Increase
Dirty Filthy, unclean Clean
Discover Uncover, find Lose
1800 English Words and Their Antonyms with PDF

1000+ English Words with Meanings

50 Opposite Words with Meanings

Word Meaning Antonym
Dull Boring, tedious Interesting
Educated Knowledgeable, learned Ignorant
Efficient Effective, productive Inefficient
Encourage Inspire, motivate Discourage
End Finish, conclude Begin
Enjoy Appreciate, relish Detest
Equal Equivalent, identical Unequal
Evolve Develop, progress Regress
Excessive Extreme, undue Moderate
Expand Enlarge, extend Contract
Explain Elaborate, clarify Confuse
Fail Flunk, falter Succeed
Fake Faux, counterfeit Genuine
Familiar Known, recognized Strange
Fast Quick, rapid Slow
Fearless Bold, brave Afraid
Final Last, ultimate Initial
Flexible Adaptable, pliable Inflexible
Forget Neglect, overlook Remember
Forward Ahead, progressive Backward
Fresh New, recent Stale
Friendly Amicable, sociable Hostile
Generous Benevolent, charitable Stingy
Gentle Mild, tender Harsh
Genuine Authentic, real Fake
Gigantic Enormous, colossal Tiny
Glorious Magnificent, splendid Miserable
Graceful Elegant, refined Clumsy
Grow Expand, develop Shrink
Happy Joyful, Delighted Sad
1800 English Words and Their Antonyms with PDF

Opposite Words Examples

Related: 100 Examples of Synonyms

100 Opposite Words with Meanings

Word Meaning Antonym
Harmful Damaging, detrimental Beneficial
Harsh Severe, stern Gentle
Healthy Fit, well Sick
Help Aid, assist Hinder
Hide Conceal, camouflage Reveal
Honesty Integrity, truthfulness Dishonesty
Humble Modest, meek Arrogant
Ignorant Unaware, uninformed Knowledgeable
Ill Sick, unwell Healthy
Imaginary Fictional, unreal Real
Immediate Instant, prompt Delayed
Impatient Restless, eager Patient
Increase Expand, grow Decrease
Independent Self-reliant, autonomous Dependent
Inferior Lesser, subordinate Superior
Innocent Pure, guiltless Guilty
Inside Interior, internal Outside
Intense Fierce, strong Mild
Introduce Present, acquaint Exclude
Join Unite, connect Separate
Joyful Happy, elated Gloomy
Jumbo Giant, colossal Tiny
Knowledgeable Informed, educated Ignorant
Lament Mourn, grieve Rejoice
Lend Loan, grant Borrow
Liberated Free, emancipated Enslaved
Light Bright, illuminated Dark
1800 English Words and Their Antonyms with PDF

English Words and Their Antonyms

200 Antonym Words with Meanings

Word Meaning Antonym
Limited Restricted, finite Unlimited
Listen Hear, pay attention Ignore
Little Small, tiny Big
Long Lengthy, extended Short
Loud Noisy, boisterous Quiet
Love Adore, cherish Hate
Loyal Faithful, dedicated Disloyal
Major Significant, important Minor
Meek Humble, mild Bold
Messy Untidy, disorganized Neat
Mighty Powerful, strong Weak
Minor Lesser, small Major
Modest Humble, unassuming Arrogant
Monotonous Dull, tedious Varied
Narrow Thin, slender Wide
Natural Genuine, inherent Artificial
Naughty Mischievous, disobedient Well-behaved
Neat Tidy, organized Messy
Nervous Anxious, apprehensive Calm
Normal Regular, typical Abnormal
Obedient Compliant, submissive Defiant
Observe Watch, notice Ignore
Odd Strange, peculiar Even
Open Unlocked, accessible Closed
Optimistic Positive, hopeful Pessimistic
Original Authentic, genuine Copy
Out Exterior, outside In
Painful Achy, agonizing Painless
Patient Tolerant, understanding Impatient
Peaceful Serene, calm Chaotic
Playful Lively, frolicsome Serious
Pleasant Enjoyable, pleasing Unpleasant
1800 English Words and Their Antonyms with PDF

100+ Examples of Antonyms

English Words with Antonyms

Word Meaning Antonym
Polite Courteous, well-mannered Rude
Poor Needy, impoverished Rich
Positive Optimistic, affirmative Negative
Powerful Strong, mighty Weak
Present Gift, offering Absent
Pretty Beautiful, attractive Ugly
Progress Advancement, improvement Regress
Pure Clean, untainted Impure
Quick Rapid, swift Slow
Quiet Silent, peaceful Noisy
Refined Elegant, sophisticated Coarse
Reject Decline, refuse Accept
Reliable Trustworthy, dependable Unreliable
Remember Recall, recollect Forget
Remove Extract, delete Insert
Repel Reject, repulse Attract
Responsible Accountable, dependable Irresponsible
Rest Relax, unwind Work
Rich Wealthy, affluent Poor
Right Correct, accurate Wrong
Rough Coarse, uneven Smooth
Rude Impolite, disrespectful Polite
Sad Unhappy, sorrowful Happy
Safe Secure, protected Dangerous
Sane Rational, sound Insane
Save Preserve, rescue Waste
Scatter Disperse, spread Gather
Secure Safe, protected Insecure
Serious Grave, earnest Playful
1800 English Words and Their Antonyms with PDF

Opposite Words Examples in English

Related: 20 Synonyms for Sad Feelings

Opposite Words Examples with Meanings

Word Meaning Antonym
Shallow Superficial, lacking depth Deep
Sharp Pointed, keen Dull
Short Brief, concise Long
Shrink Contract, reduce Expand
Shy Timid, bashful Bold
Simple Basic, uncomplicated Complex
Sincere Genuine, honest Insincere
Single Solo, individual Multiple
Smart Intelligent, clever Stupid
Smooth Even, sleek Rough
Soft Gentle, tender Hard
Sour Tart, acidic Sweet
Specific Precise, particular General
Start Begin, commence End
Stop Halt, cease Continue
Strong Powerful, sturdy Weak
Success Achievement, triumph Failure
Succeed Accomplish, achieve Fail
Superior Better, higher Inferior
Support Assist, aid Oppose
Sweet Sugary, pleasant Bitter
Tall High, towering Short
Terrible Dreadful, horrible Wonderful
Thick Dense, bulky Thin
Tight Firm, secure Loose
Together United, connected Apart
Tough Strong, resilient Weak
Transparent Clear, see-through Opaque
True Genuine, accurate False
Trust Confidence, reliance Distrust
Ugly Unattractive, hideous Beautiful
1800 English Words and Their Antonyms with PDF

Common Antonym Words

Common Antonym Words

Word Meaning Antonym
Unite Join, connect Separate
Upset Disturbed, agitated Calm
Useful Beneficial, valuable Useless
Vacant Empty, unoccupied Occupied
Valuable Precious, priceless Worthless
Vast Enormous, immense Limited
Victory Triumph, success Defeat
Visible Observable, apparent Invisible
Vital Essential, Crucial Insignificant
Volunteer Offer, enlist Compulsory
Weak Frail, feeble Strong
Wealthy Rich, affluent Poor
Whole Entire, complete Part
Wise Intelligent, knowledgeable Foolish
Withdraw Retract, remove Deposit
Wonderful Marvelous, fantastic Terrible
Worry Anxious, concern Relax
Worthless Valueless, insignificant Valuable
Wrong Incorrect, mistaken Right
Yield Surrender, concede Resist
Young Youthful, juvenile Old
Zenith Peak, apex Nadir
1800 English Words and Their Antonyms with PDF

Common Opposite Words

Now, you can download a free PDF book of these 1800 English Words Meanings and Their Antonyms:


Click on the above underlined words (1800-Antonym-Words.pdf) and download a free PDF book of this lesson. The PDF book will help you to revise these words when you leave our website. Practicing these words in your daily lives helps you to leave a good impression on your learning.

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About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University, having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to students with diverse cultures. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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