
Viviparous Animal Names with Pictures

Written by Vocabish

Learn the viviparous animals names in English along with their pictures. Learning the viviparous animal names is a good way to enhance vocabulary related to animals. When you want to talk about the animals, you should know the names of the animals that lay eggs. Viviparous animals that give birth to live young instead of laying eggs. All the animals given below; let’s learn together…

Viviparous Animals

Here are examples of viviparous animals (animals that give birth to live young instead of laying eggs) and simple definitions for each:

1. Human

Humans are mammals that walk on two legs, use tools, and think deeply. Babies grow inside the mother’s body before being born.

2. Dog

Dogs are loyal animals that often live with humans. Puppies are born live after growing in the mother’s belly.

3. Cat

Cats are small, furry animals that are playful and independent. Kittens are born live and depend on their mother for care.

4. Cow

Cows are large animals raised for milk or meat. Calves grow inside the mother and are born fully formed.

5. Horse

Horses are fast-running animals used for riding and carrying loads. Baby horses, called foals, are born live and can stand soon after birth.

6. Dolphin

Dolphins are intelligent sea animals that breathe air. Their babies, called calves, are born underwater but swim to the surface quickly.

7. Elephant

Elephants are the largest land animals with trunks. Their babies grow inside the mother for nearly two years before being born.

8. Lion

Lions are big cats known as the “king of the jungle.” Lion cubs are born live and stay with their mother for protection.

9. Bat

Bats are flying mammals. Baby bats are born live and cling to their mothers for warmth and milk.

10. Whale

Whales are enormous marine mammals. Their babies, called calves, are born in the water and stay close to their mothers.

List of Viviparous Animals

Here’s the list of all the animals that give birth instead of laying eggs. Let’s learn these animals names and enhance your animal-related vocabulary:

  • Bat
  • Cat
  • Cow
  • Horse
  • Elephant
  • Goat
  • Dog
  • Mouse
  • Lion
  • Kangaroo
  • Dolphin
  • Bear
  • Rabbit
  • Deer
  • Tiger
  • Rattle Snakes
  • Fox
  • Wolf
  • Jackal
  • Sharks
  • Giraffe
  • Monkey
  • Zebra
  • Donkey
Viviparous Animal Names with Pictures

Vivaparous Animals with Images

About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University, having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to students with diverse cultures. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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