Learn the definition of compound words with their types and 1000+ examples in English. We use these words in our daily lives, and we have to memorize these words to enhance our English vocabulary skills. A fluent English speaker keeps the huge list of words in his mind to speak English without making any mistake. Learn these compound words and enhance your knowledge about their different types along with their examples.
What are the Compound Words?
Compound words are known as the combination of the two small words; in the result, we got a compound word. For example, here we can take two small words like ice and cube. When we combine these two small words, we will get a new word that is icecube. The icecube is known as a compound word in English.
Types of Compound Words:
In English, there are three types of compound words known as: Open Compound Words, Close Compound Words, and Hyphenated Compound Words. In this section, we will study about these types with their helpful examples:
Open Compound Words
When we combine two different words, they remain separate but are used together to create a new word. Understand with this example, peanut and butter are two different words but when we combine them, we got a new word as peanut butter. This example shows the concept of an open compound word. Let’s talk about more open compound words in English:
- Ice cream
- Ice cream cake
- Ice cube
- Cream cheese
- Hot dog
- Corn dog
- Corned beef
- Apple pie
- Sugar plum
- Web page
- Table cloth
- Fire drill
- Fire drill
- Fire exit
- High school
- Roller coaster
- Living room
- First aid
- Full moon
- Tea cup
- Serving spoon
- Real estate
- Car pool
- Cotton bud
- Cotton ball
- Video game
- Coffee grain
- Coffee mug
- Post office
- Upper deck
- Hand towel
- Sweet tooth
- Common sense
- Dance hall
- Police officer
- Vice president
- Science fiction
- Root word
- Candy cane
- Christmas tree
- Cell membrane
- Jumping jack
- Report card
- Credit card
- Debit card
- Radio wave
- Snack house
- Coffee shop
- Bus stop
- Swimming pool
- Rubber band
- Ice hockey
- Ice skate
- Break up
- Take away
- Take out
- Break away
- Lift up
- Push down
- Pull down
- Ask out
- Ask around
- Make up
- Turn in
- Fill up
- Fill out
- Fill in
So, the above-listed words are known as the open compound words. As we talk above, we combine two different words, but they remain separate, and we use them together to form a new word. You can use the above-listed words as open compound words in English.
Close Compound Words
The combination of the two different words without making any space is known as close compound words in English. For example, grandfather is a close compound word because we combine the two different words grand and father to create a new word. This example shows that there is no space between the word “grandfather”, and it is known as a close compound word. Let’s learn more examples of the close compound words:
- Basketball
- Football
- Baseball
- Worldwide
- Overpass
- Southeast
- Northeast
- Northwest
- Southwest
- Bushfire
- Mailbox
- Snowball
- Skateboard
- Sailboat
- Birthday
- Blackboard
- Everything
- Anything
- Anyone
- Everyone
- Classmate
- Schoolmate
- Playmate
- Grandmother
- Grandfather
- Granddaughter
- Grandson
- Grasshopper
- Sunflower
- Sunrise
- Sunshine
- Moonlight
- Freelance
- Eyeball
- Eyebrow
- Eyelash
- Armpit
- Playground
- Teamwork
- Stoplight
- Flashlight
- Lighthouse
- Fireman
- Rainbow
- Raindrop
- Bedroom
- Popcorn
- Keyboard
- Notepad
- Keyhole
- Keystone
- Pothole
- Bowtie
- Necktie
- Brainwash
- Proofread
- Babysit
- Horseshoe
- Highlight
- Notebook
- Bookstore
- Lipstick
- Makeup
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrush
- Airbrush
- Crosswalk
- Crossroad
- Crossover
- Nightfall
- Riverbank
- Nutcracker
- Candlelight
- Backstroke
- Hamburger
- Cheeseburger
- Sandwich
- Homesick
- Uptown
- Rattlesnake
- Workplace
- Wrongdoing
- Springtime
- Underdog
- Strawberry
- Blueberry
- Watermelon
- Pineapple
- Cupcake
The above-listed words are known as the close compound words. After reading the above words, you can easily understand how we can form a close compound word in English. Let’s talk about the third type of compound words that is known as:
Hyphenated Compound Words
The third form of compound words is known as hyphenated compound words. The definition of the hyphenated compound words is: when we combine two different words, then their is a hyphen or a dash between these words. For example, mother-in-law. Take a look at the below-listed examples of the hyphenated compound words:
- Mother-in-law
- Father-in-law
- Sister-in-law
- Brother-in-law
- Sergeant-at-arms
- Merry-go-round
- Happy-go-lucky
- Editor-in-chief
- Over-the-counter
- Up-to-date
- State-of-the-art
- Long-term
- High-speed
- Left-handed
- Right-handed
- In-depth
- Full-length
- Part-time
- Long-haired
- Sun-dried
- Breath-taking
- Self-centered
- Well-off
- Well-known
- Gift-wrap
- Follow-up
- Well-being
- Single-minded
- Knee-length
- Short-tempered
- Off-site
- Runner-up
- One-sided
- Tip-off
- Blush-on
- Sugar-free
- Ice-cold
- Far-flung
- High-rise
- Life-size
- King-size
- Warm-blooded
- Cold-blooded
- Get-together
- Next-door
These are the words that are known as hyphenated compound words. By reading the above-listed words, you can easily understand how the hyphenated compound words are formed in the English language.
The above sections cover a wide range of the types of compound words along with their helpful examples. I hope after reading the above discussion there will be no confusion in your mind when you see these words in your writing or when you use these words in your conversation.
Now, we will study the 1000 examples of compound words in English. Following is a list of 1000+ examples of compound words:
1000 Compound Words List
Study the below-listed words and understand the different compound words in English that we use in our daily lives:
Compound Words Starts with-A
- Aboveboard
- Afterbirth
- Afterburner
- Afterglow
- Afterimage
- Afterlife
- Aftermath
- Afternoon
- Airbrush
- Aircraft
- Airfield
- Airlift
- Airline
- Airliner
- Airmail
- Airman
- Airmen
- Airplane
- Airport
- Airship
- Airtime
- Allover
- Allspice
- Alongside
- Also
- Another
- Anybody
- Anyhow
- Anymore
- Anyone
- Anyplace
- Anything
- Anytime
- Anyway
- Anywhere
- Armchair
- Armpit
- Around
- Arrowhead
- Ashtray
- Authorship
Compound Words Starts with-B
- Babysit
- Babysitter
- Backache
- Backbite
- Backbone
- Backbreaker
- Backdrop
- Backfield
- Backfire
- Background
- Backhand
- Backlash
- Backlog
- Backpack
- Backside
- Backslap
- Backslide
- Backspace
- Backspin
- Backstage
- Backstop
- Backstretch
- Backstroke
- Backtrack
- Backward
- Ballpark
- Ballroom
- Bankbook
- Bankroll
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Beachcomb
- Became
- Because
- Become
- Bedbug
- Bedclothes
- Bedrock
- Bedroll
- Bedroom
- Bellbottom
- Bellboy
- Bellhop
- Below
- Birthday
- Blackball
- Blackberries
- Blackbird
- Blackboard
- Blackjack
- Blacklist
- Blackmail
- Blackout
- Blacksmith
- Blacktop
- Bluebell
- Blueberry
- Bluebird
- Bluefish
- Bluegrass
- Blueprint
- Boardwalk
- Bodyguard
- Bodywork
- Boldface
- Bookbinder
- Bookcase
- Bookend
- Bookkeeper
- Booklet
- Bookmark
- Bookmobile
- Bookseller
- Bookshelf
- Bookstore
- Bookworm
- Bootstrap
- Bowtie
- Brainchild
- Brainstorm
- Brainwash
- Bugspray
- Bushfire
- Buttercup
- Butterfat
- Butterfingers
- Butterflies
- Buttermilk
- Butternut
- Butterscotch
- Bypass
Compound Words Starts with-C
- Cabdriver
- Cancan
- Candid
- Candlelight
- Candlestick
- Cannot
- Cardboard
- Cardsharp
- Cardstock
- Carefree
- Caretaker
- Careworn
- Carfare
- Cargo
- Carhop
- Carload
- Carpetbagger
- Carpool
- Carport
- Carrack
- Carryall
- Carsick
- Cartwheel
- Carwash
- Cattail
- Catwalk
- Caveman
- Centercut
- Cheeseburger
- Cheesecake
- Classmate
- Clockwise
- Coffeemaker
- Comeback
- Comedown
- Commonplace
- Commonwealth
- Cornball
- Cornmeal
- Cornstalk
- Cornwall
- Cottonmouth
- Cottontail
- Cottonwood
- Countdown
- Counterattack
- Counterbalance
- Counterclockwise
- Counterintelligence
- Countermeasure
- Counteroffensive
- Counterpane
- Counterpart
- Counterpoint
- Counterpoise
- Courthouse
- Courtroom
- Courtyard
- Crewcut
- Crossbow
- Crossbreed
- Crosscut
- Crossover
- Crossroad
- Crosstown
- Crosswalk
- Crossword
- Cupcake
Compound Words Starts with-D, E, and F
- Dairymaid
- Daisywheel
- Daybed
- Daybook
- Daybreak
- Daydream
- Daylight
- Daytime
- Deadend
- Deadline
- Dishcloth
- Dishpan
- Dishwasher
- Dishwater
- Diskdrive
- Dogwood
- Doorstop
- Downbeat
- Downunder
- Drawbridge
- Driveway
- Duckbill
- Duckpin
- Earache
- Eardrop
- Eardrum
- Earring
- Earthbound
- Earthquake
- Earthward
- Earthworm
- Egghead
- Eggshell
- Elsewhere
- Everyone
- Everything
- Eyeball
- Eyeballs
- Eyebrow
- Eyecatching
- Eye-catching
- Eyeglasses
- Eyelash
- Eyelid
- Eyesight
- Eyewitness
- Fatherland
- Fatherless
- Firearm
- Fireball
- Fireboat
- Firebomb
- Firebox
- Firebreak
- Firecracker
- Firefighter
- Fireflies
- Firehouse
- Fireman
- Fireproof
- Firewater
- Fireworks
- Fishbowl
- Fisherman
- Fisheye
- Fishhook
- Fishlike
- Fishmonger
- Fishnet
- Fishpond
- Fishtail
- Flashlight
- Football
- Foothill
- Foothold
- Footlights
- Footlocker
- Footnote
- Footpath
- Footprints
- Footrest
- Forbearer
- Forbid
- Forearm
- Forebear
- Forecast
- Forecastle
- Foreclose
- Foreclosure
- Foredoom
- Forefather
- Forefinger
- Forefront
- Forehand
- Forehead
- Foreleg
- Foreman
- Foremost
- Forepaws
- Forerunner
- Foresee
- Foresight
- Forestall
- Forestland
- Forever
- Forget
- Forgive
- Forklift
- Format
- Fortnight
- Freelance
- Friendship
- Fruitcup
Compound Words Starts with-G, H, I, and J
- Gearshift
- Glassmaking
- Goodbye
- Goodnight
- Grandaunt
- Grandchild
- Grandchildren
- Granddaughter
- Grandfather
- Grandmaster
- Grandmother
- Grandnephew
- Grandnieces
- Grandparent
- Grandson
- Grandstand
- Granduncle
- Grasshopper
- Graveyard
- Gumball
- Haircut
- Hamburger
- Hammerhead
- Hamstring
- Handball
- Handbook
- Handcuff
- Handgun
- Handmade
- Handout
- Headache
- Headdress
- Headhunter
- Headlight
- Headline
- Headquarters
- Hedgehop
- Heirloom
- Hellcat
- Hellhole
- Helpmate
- Helpmeet
- Hemstitch
- Henceforth
- Henchman
- Henpeck
- Hereabout
- Hereafter
- Hereby
- Herein
- Hereof
- Hereupon
- Herself
- Highball
- Highchair
- Highland
- Highlight
- Highway
- Himself
- Homemade
- Homesick
- Hometown
- Honeybee
- Honeycomb
- Honeydew
- Honeymoon
- Honeysuckle
- Hookup
- Hookworm
- Horseback
- Horsefly
- Horsehair
- Horseplay
- Horsepower
- Horseradish
- Horseshoe
- Houseboat
- Housecoat
- Household
- Housekeeper
- Housetop
- Housewife
- Housework
- However
- Ideal
- Inchworm
- Income
- Indoors
- Inflow
- Infold
- Infuse
- Infusion
- Inhale
- Inkblot
- Inkwell
- Inland
- Inmate
- Inpatient
- Inroad
- Inset
- Inside
- Intake
- Ironwork
- Itself
- Jackpot
- Jackson
- Jailbait
- Jailbird
- Jawbone
- Jawbreaker
- Jaywalk
- Jellybean
- Jellyfish
- Jerkwater
- Jerrybuild
- Jetliner
- Jetport
- Jigsaw
- Jimsonweed
- Jitterbug
- Jobholder
- Johnnycake
- Jumpshot
Compound Words Starts with-K, L, M, N, O, and P
- Keepsake
- Keyboard
- Keyhole
- Keynote
- Keypad
- Keypunch
- Keystone
- Keystroke
- Keyway
- Keyword
- Landmark
- Landslide
- Landward
- Lapland
- Lapwing
- Larkspur
- Laughingstock
- Lawgiver
- Lawmaker
- Lawsuit
- Layman
- Layoff
- Layout
- Layover
- Leapfrog
- Lifeblood
- Lifeboat
- Lifeguard
- Lifelike
- Lifeline
- Lifelong
- Lifesaver
- Lifetime
- Lifework
- Lighthouse
- Limelight
- Limestone
- Lipstick
- Longhand
- Longhorn
- Longhouse
- Lukewarm
- Mailbox
- Mainland
- Mainline
- Mainspring
- Mainstream
- Makeup
- Matchbox
- Meadowland
- Meantime
- Meanwhile
- Moonbeam
- Moonlight
- Moonlit
- Moonscape
- Moonshine
- Moonstone
- Moonstruck
- Moonwalk
- Moreover
- Mothball
- Motherhood
- Motorcycle
- Nearby
- Necktie
- Nevermore
- Newborn
- Newfound
- Newsboy
- Newsbreak
- Newscast
- Newscaster
- Newsdealer
- Newsletter
- Newsman
- Newsmen
- Newspaper
- Newsperson
- Newsprint
- Newsreel
- Newsroom
- Newsstand
- Newsworthy
- Nightfall
- Nobody
- Noisemaker
- Northeast
- Northwest
- Notebook
- Notepad
- Noteworthy
- Nowhere
- Nursemaid
- Nutcracker
- Oneself
- Onetime
- Overabundance
- Overboard
- Overcoat
- Overflow
- Overland
- Overpass
- Overshoes
- Pacemaker
- Pancake
- Parkway
- Passbook
- Passkey
- Passover
- Passport
- Password
- Pasteboard
- Patchwork
- Pathfinder
- Pathway
- Pawnbroker
- Pawnshop
- Paycheck
- Payload
- Paymaster
- Payoff
- Payroll
- Peppermint
- Pickup
- Pineapple
- Pinhole
- Pinpoint
- Pinstripe
- Pinup
- Pinwheel
- Playback
- Playboy
- Playground
- Playhouse
- Playmate
- Playthings
- Ponytail
- Popcorn
- Postcard
- Pothole
- Proofread
Compound Words Starts with-R and S
- Racquetball
- Railroad
- Railway
- Rainbow
- Raincheck
- Raincoat
- Raindrop
- Rainfall
- Rainmaker
- Rainstorm
- Rainwater
- Ratline
- Ratsbane
- Rattlesnake
- Rattletrap
- Rawboned
- Rawhide
- Readywitted
- Rearmost
- Rearrange
- Rearward
- Redcap
- Redcoat
- Reddish
- Redhead
- Repairman
- Riverbank
- Riverbanks
- Rubberband
- Sailboat
- Salesclerk
- Sandbox
- Sandlot
- Sandstone
- Sandwich
- Saucepan
- Scapegoat
- Scarecrow
- Schoolbook
- Schoolboy
- Schoolbus
- Schoolhouse
- Schoolmate
- Schoolroom
- Schoolwork
- Seashore
- Setback
- Setoff
- Shadyside
- Sharecropper
- Sharpshooter
- Sheepskin
- Shipbottom
- Shipbuilder
- Shipload
- Shipwreck
- Shipyard
- Shoelace
- Shoemaker
- Shopkeeper
- Shortbread
- Shortcake
- Shotgun
- Showboat
- Showoff
- Showplace
- Showroom
- Sideburns
- Sidecar
- Sidekick
- Sideshow
- Sidewalk
- Silversmith
- Sisterhood
- Sixfold
- Skateboard
- Skintight
- Skylark
- Skylight
- Skyscraper
- Slapstick
- Slowdown
- Slumlord
- Snakeskin
- Snowball
- Snowbank
- Snowbird
- Snowdrift
- Snowshoe
- Snowshovel
- Snowstorm
- Soapstone
- Softball
- Software
- Somebody
- Someday
- Somehow
- Someone
- Someplace
- Something
- Sometime
- Sometimes
- Someway
- Somewhat
- Somewhere
- Soundproof
- Southeast
- Southwest
- Soybean
- Spacesuit
- Spacewalk
- Spearmint
- Speedboat
- Spillway
- Spokesperson
- Springtime
- Stagehand
- Standby
- Standoff
- Standout
- Standpipe
- Standpoint
- Standstill
- Starfish
- Steamboat
- Steamship
- Stepson
- Stickup
- Stockroom
- Stonewall
- Stoplight
- Stopwatch
- Storerooms
- Strawberry
- Streetcar
- Stronghold
- Subway
- Sunbaked
- Sunbathe
- Sunday
- Sundial
- Sundown
- Sunfish
- Sunflower
- Sunglasses
- Sunlit
- Sunray
- Sunrise
- Sunroof
- Sunshine
- Suntan
- Sunup
- Supercargo
- Supercharge
- Supercool
- Superego
- Superfine
- Supergiant
- Superhero
- Superhighways
- Superhuman
- Superimpose
- Superman
- Supermarket
- Supermen
- Supernatural
- Superpower
- Superscript
- Supersensitive
- Supersonic
- Superstar
- Superstrong
- Superstructure
- Supertanker
- Superweapon
- Superwoman
- Sweetheart
- Sweetmeat
Compound Words Starts with-T, U, and W
- Tablecloth
- Tablespoon
- Tabletop
- Tableware
- Tadpole
- Tagalong
- Tailbone
- Tailcoat
- Tailgate
- Taillight
- Taillike
- Tailpiece
- Tailspin
- Takeoff
- Takeout
- Takeover
- Talebearer
- Taleteller
- Tapeworm
- Taproom
- Taproot
- Target
- Taskmaster
- Tattletale
- Taxicab
- Taxpayer
- Teacup
- Teammate
- Teamwork
- Teapot
- Teardrop
- Teaspoon
- Teenager
- Telltale
- Tenderfoot
- Tenderhearted
- Tenderloin
- Tenfold
- Textbook
- Themselves
- Therefore
- Throwaway
- Throwback
- Thunderbird
- Thunderbolt
- Thundershower
- Thunderstorm
- Timekeeper
- Timepieces
- Timesaving
- Timeshare
- Timetable
- Today
- Together
- Toolbox
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Toothpick
- Touchdown
- Township
- Turnabout
- Turnaround
- Turnbuckle
- Turncoat
- Turndown
- Turnkey
- Turnoff
- Turnover
- Turntable
- Typewriter
- Underachieve
- Underact
- Underage
- Underarm
- Underbelly
- Underbid
- Undercharge
- Underclothes
- Undercover
- Undercurrent
- Undercut
- Underdevelop
- Underdog
- Underesimate
- Underestimate
- Underexpose
- Underfeed
- Underfinance
- Underfoot
- Underfur
- Undergarment
- Undergird
- Undergo
- Undergraduate
- Underground
- Undergrowth
- Underhand
- Underhanded
- Underlayer
- Underlie
- Upbeat
- Upbringing
- Upcoming
- Update
- Updraft
- Upend
- Upgrade
- Upheaval
- Upheld
- Uphill
- Uphold
- Upkeep
- Upland
- Uplift
- Uplink
- Upload
- Upmarket
- Upon
- Uppercase
- Upperclassman
- Uppercut
- Uppermost
- Upright
- Uprising
- Upriver
- Uproar
- Uproot
- Upset
- Upshot
- Upside
- Upstage
- Upstairs
- Upstanding
- Upstart
- Upstate
- Upstream
- Upsurge
- Upswing
- Uptake
- Upthrust
- Uptight
- Uptime
- Uptown
- Upturn
- Upward
- Upwind
- Waistband
- Waistcoat
- Waistline
- Walkout
- Walkways
- Wallboard
- Walleyed
- Wallflower
- Wallpaper
- Wanderlust
- Wardroom
- Warehouse
- Warfare
- Warhead
- Warlike
- Warlord
- Warmblooded
- Warmhearted
- Warmonger
- Warpath
- Warplanes
- Warship
- Wartime
- Washboard
- Washbowl
- Washcloth
- Washout
- Washroom
- Washstand
- Washtub
- Wastebasket
- Wasteland
- Wastepaper
- Wastewater
- Watchband
- Watchcase
- Watchdog
- Watchmaker
- Watchman
- Watchtower
- Watchword
- Watercolor
- Watercooler
- Watercraft
- Waterfall
- Waterfowl
- Waterfront
- Waterline
- Waterlog
- Watermark
- Watermelon
- Waterpower
- Waterproof
- Waterscape
- Watershead
- Waterside
- Waterspout
- Watertight
- Waterway
- Waterwheel
- Waterworks
- Wavelength
- Wavelike
- Waxwork
- Waybill
- Wayfarer
- Waylaid
- Wayside
- Wayward
- Weathercock
- Weatherman
- Weatherproof
- Weekday
- Weekend
- Weeknight
- Whatever
- Whatsoever
- Wheelbarrow
- Wheelbase
- Wheelchair
- Wheelhouse
- Whitecap
- Whitefish
- Whitewall
- Whitewash
- Widespread
- Wipeout
- Without
- Woodshop
- Workplace
- Worldwide
- Wrongdoing
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