
Daily Used Normal Vs. Advanced English Words with PDF

Daily Used Normal Vs. Advanced English Words with PDF
Written by Vocabish

Learning the normal vs. advanced English vocabulary words will enhance our speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Normal English words are the basic words used by every speaker in their daily lives. However, only a small percentage of people can use these advanced English words in conversation because they are difficult to memorize. When you interact with your friends, colleagues, or strangers, these words help you to leave a good impression.

Note: A PDF book of these 500 Normal vs. Advanced English words is given at the bottom of this page. Download it for free.

Daily Used Normal vs. Advanced English Words

In this section, we are going to provide you with a list of 500 English words that are used by normal and advanced English speakers. Learning the advanced English words has some advantages: you can speak English fluently, and they leave a good impression on your conversation. Let’s learn the entire lesson and enhance your English vocabulary skills:

Sr. No Normal Vocabulary Words Advanced Vocabulary Words
1. Noisy Raucous
2. Quiet Serene
3. Dark Obscure
4. Light Luminous
5. Big Colossal
6. Small Diminutive
7. Child Adolescent
8. Adult Mature
9. Day Diurnal
10. Night Nocturnal
11. Love Adoration
12. Hate Abhorrence
13. Win Triumph
14. Lose Defeat
15. Eat Consume
16. Drink Imbibe
17. Talk Converse
18. Quiet Hush
19. Walk Stroll
20. Run Sprint
21. See Perceive
22. Look Gaze
23. Say Utter
24. Think Ponder
25. Feel Perceive
26. Get Acquire
27. Give Bestow
28. Have Possess
29. Make Fabricate
30. Break Shatter
31. Stop Halt
32. Continue Persevere
33. Go Proceed
34. Show Demonstrate
35. Hide Conceal
36. Find Discover
37. Lose Misplace
38. Live Exist
39. Die Perish
40. Sleep Slumber
41. Wake Awaken
42. Buy Purchase
43. Sell Vend
44. Use Utilize
45. Help Assist
46. Hurt Injure
47. Tell Narrate
48. Ask Inquire
49. Leave Depart
50. Come Arrive
Daily Used Normal Vs. Advanced English Words with PDF

Normal vs Advanced

Sr. No Normal Vocabulary Words Advanced Vocabulary Words
51. Poor Impoverished
52. Strong Vigorous
53. Weak Feeble
54. Talkative Loquacious
55. Quiet Taciturn
56. Big Gigantic
57. Small Petite
58. Childish Infantile
59. Mature Sophisticated
60. Get married Tie a knot
61. Very rarely Once in a blue moon
62. Secret Under wraps
63. Lucky Jammie
64. Wasting time Faffing around
65. Meet Catch Up
66. Weak Feeble
67. Intelligent Profound
68. Strong Indomitable
69. Stupide Imbecilic
70. Excellent Superb
71. Hungry Starving
72. Very happy Over the Moon
73. Very Busy Swamped
74. Angry Pissed off
75. Very Tired Exhausted
76. Fell asleep Nodded off
77. Very cold Freezing
78. Hurry up Chop-chop
79. Good luck Break a leg
80. Open Unveil
81. Close Seal
82. Win Prevail
83. Lose Surrender
84. Like Admire
85. Dislike Abhor
86. Happy Content
87. Sad Despondent
88. Rich Opulent
89. Selfish Rapacious
90. Generous Magnanimous
91. Cold Frigid
92. Hot Scorching
93. Dirty Filthy
94. Clean Pristine
95. Tired Fatigued
96. Rich Wealthy
97. Dry Arid
98. Wet Moist
99. Lazy Indolent
100. Busy Industrious
Daily Used Normal Vs. Advanced English Words with PDF

Normal English Words and Advanced English Words

Sr. No Normal Vocabulary Words Advanced Vocabulary Words
101. Honest Authentic
102. Bored Indifferent
103. Begin Commence
104. End Terminate
105. Start Initiate
106. Hard Difficult
107 Easy Facile
108. Old Elderly
109. Young Juvenile
110. Big Enormous
111. Small Minuscule
112. Good Excellent
113. Bad Deplorable
114. Happy Jubilant
115. Sad Melancholic
116 Pretty Beautiful
117. Ugly Unattractive
118. Rich Affluent
119. Poor Indigent
120. Brave Courageous
121. Fearful Apprehensive
122. Fast Expeditious
123. Slow Languid
124. Smart Intelligent
125. Dumb Inarticulate
126. Terrible Atrocious
127. Read Analyze
128. Write Compose
129. Create Fabricate
130 Focus Keep your eye
131. Time to sleep Hit the hey
132. Keep quite Zip your lips
133. Not difficult Not a rocket science
134. Get married Tie a knot
135. Fell asleep Nodded off
136. Very kind Heart of Gold
137. Fat Big
138. Leave me alone Give me a break
139. Very rarely Once in a blue moon
140. How are you? How’s it going
141. Very tired Worn out
142. Fit and Healthy Fit as a Fiddle
143. Mad Out of mind
144. Text me Hit me up
145. Very beautiful Gorgeous
146. Eat food Have a meal
147. Scared Cold feet
148. Ask your Question Pick your brain
149. Lazy Couch Potato
150. Not sure On the fence
Daily Used Normal Vs. Advanced English Words with PDF

Normal and Advanced English Words

Sr. No Normal Vocabulary Words Advanced Vocabulary Words
151. Find Discover
152. Think Contemplate
153. Feel Sense
154. Want Desire
155. Need Require
156. Love Adore
157. Like Appreciate
158. Hate Detest
159. Hear Listen
160.. Remember Recollect
161. Forget Disregard
162. Talkative Verbose
163. Quiet Taciturn
164. Brave Courageous
165. Smart Intelligent
166. Funny Witty
167. Sad Melancholic
168. Happy Jubilant
169. Angry Wrathful
170. Scared Fearful
171. Tired Fatigued
172. Busy Engrossed
173. Difficult Challenging
174. Easy Simple
175. Fast Rapid
176. Slow Sluggish
177. Interesting Intriguing
178. Boring Tedious
179. Beautiful Exquisite
180. Ugly Repulsive
181.. Good Excellent
182. Bad Poor
183. Right Correct
184. Wrong Incorrect
185. True Accurate
186. False Inaccurate
187. Happy Elated
188.. Sad Despondent
189 Funny Hilarious
190. Angry Enraged
191. Excited Enthusiastic
192 Nervous Anxious
193. Calm Serene
194. Friendly Amiable
195. Hostile Belligerent
196. Helpful Beneficial
197. Harmful Detrimental
198. Kind Compassionate
199. Cruel Sadistic
200. Brave Fearless
Daily Used Normal Vs. Advanced English Words with PDF

Basic to Advanced English Words

Sr. No Normal Vocabulary Words Advanced Vocabulary Words
201. Cowardly Timid
202. Stingy Miserly
203. Honest Sincere
204. Dishonest Deceitful
205. Polite Courteous
206. Rude Impolite
207. Patient Tolerant
208. Impatient Restless
209. Lazy Indolent
200. Hardworking Diligent
211. Optimistic Hopeful
212. Pessimistic Cynical
213. house residence
214. eat consume
215. big substantial
216. happy jubilant
217. sad melancholy
218. good commendable
219. bad detrimental
220. friend companion
221. talk converse
222. walk traverse
223. car vehicle
224. water hydration
225. food nourishment
226. like prefer
227. want desire
228. need necessity
229. love adore
230. hate abhor
231. easy effortless
232. difficult challenging
233. fast rapid
234. slow sluggish
235. happy elated
236. sad despondent
237. angry irate
238. scared apprehensive
239. old ancient
240. young juvenile
241. new novel
242. old antiquated
243. friend acquaintance
244. help assist
245. work endeavor
246 school institution
247. learn acquire
248. teach instruct
249. student pupil
250. slow sluggish
Daily Used Normal Vs. Advanced English Words with PDF

Basic vs Advanced Words

Sr. No Normal Vocabulary Words Advanced Vocabulary Words
251. sleep slumber
252. awake vigilant
253. big substantial
254. small diminutive
255. good commendable
256. bad deleterious
257. happy euphoric
258. sad despondent
259. pretty aesthetically pleasing
260. ugly unsightly
261. smart intelligent
262. stupid obtuse
263. fast expeditious
264. slow lethargic
265. old antiquated
266. young youthful
267. love adoration
268. hate abhorrence
269. like appreciate
270. dislike loathe
271. easy facile
272. difficult arduous
273. happy elated
274. sad melancholic
275. angry indignant
276. scared apprehensive
277 beautiful exquisite
278. ugly repugnant
279. rich affluent
280. poor destitute
281. happy jubilant
282. sad disconsolate
283. tired fatigued
284. bored disinterested
285. hungry famished
286. thirsty parched
287. cold frigid
288. hot scorching
289. clean pristine
290. dirty filthy
291. happy content
292. sad forlorn
293. quiet serene
294. loud cacophonous
295. scared terrified
296. old antiquated
297. young juvenile
298. love adoration
299. hate loathing
300. like admire
Daily Used Normal Vs. Advanced English Words with PDF

Normal English vs Advanced English

SR. No Normal Vocabulary Advanced Vocabulary
301. Begin Commence
302. End Terminate
303. Start Initiate
304. Finish Culminate
305. Good Excellent
306. Bad Inferior
307. Happy Ecstatic
308. Sad Melancholy
309. Pretty Beautiful
310. Ugly Repugnant
311. Big Enormous
312. Small Minute
313. Fast Rapid
314. Slow Languid
315. Hard Difficult
316. Easy Simple
317. Smart Intelligent
318. Dumb Obtuse
319. Rich Wealthy
320. Poor Impoverished
321. Brave Courageous
322. Coward Timorous
323. Clean Pristine
324. Dirty Filthy
325. Strong Robust
326. Weak Feeble
327. Young Juvenile
328. Old Ancient
329. Hot Scorching
330. Cold Frigid
331. Dark Obscure
332. Light Illuminated
333. Happy Jubilant
334. Angry Furious
335. Simple Elementary
336. Complex Complicated
337. Funny Hilarious
338. Serious Grave
339. True Authentic
340. False Spurious
341. Interesting Intriguing
342. Boring Tedious
343. Safe Secure
344. Dangerous Hazardous
345.. Loud Deafening
346. Quiet Serene
347. New Novel
348. Old Vintage
349. Important Crucial
350. Unimportant Insignificant
Daily Used Normal Vs. Advanced English Words with PDF

500 Daily Used Normal vs Advanced English Vocabulary Words

Sr. No Normal Vocabulary Words Advanced Vocabulary Words
351. Love Adore
352. Hate Despise
353. Happy Content
354. Sad Despondent
355. Good Superb
356. Bad Atrocious
357. Beautiful Exquisite
358. Ugly Grotesque
359. Big Gigantic
360. Small Petite
361. Fast Expeditious
362. Slow Sluggish
363. Hard Arduous
364. Easy Effortless
365. Smart Astute
366 Dumb Vacuous
367. Rich Affluent
368. Poor Destitute
369. Brave Valiant
370. Coward Craven
371. Clean Immaculate
372 Dirty Grimy
373. Strong Sturdy
374. Weak Fragile
375. Young Adolescent
376. Old Senile
377. Hot Sizzling
378. Cold Icy
379. Dark Murky
380. Light Radiant
381. Happy Exuberant
382. Angry Wrathful
383. Simple Basic
384. Complex Elaborate
385. Funny Amusing
386. Serious Solemn
387. True Genuine
388. False Fallacious
389. Interesting Captivating
390. Boring Monotonous
391. Safe Sheltered
392. Dangerous Perilous
393. Loud Boisterous
394. Quiet Tranquil
395. New Fresh
396. Old Antiquated
397. Important Vital
398. Unimportant Trivial
399. Love Cherish
400. Hate Loathe

Daily Used Normal Vs. Advanced English Words with PDF

Normal vs Advanced English Vocabulary

Sr. No Normal Vocabulary Words Advanced Vocabulary Words
401. Happy Gleeful
402. Sad Forlorn
403. Good Outstanding
404. Bad Deplorable
405. Beautiful Gorgeous
406. Ugly Unsightly
407. Big Colossal
408. Small Minuscule
409. Fast Fleet
410. Slow Leisurely
411. Hard Strenuous
412. Easy Facile
413. Smart Ingenious
414. Dumb Dimwitted
415. Rich Opulent
416. Poor Penniless
417. Brave Fearless
418. Coward Pusillanimous
419. Clean Sanitary
420. Dirty Squalid
421. Strong Potent
422 Weak Debilitated
423. Young Youthful
424. Old Elderly
425. Hot Boiling
426. Cold Chilly
427. Dark Dim
428. Light Gleaming
429. Happy Radiant
430. Angry Indignant
431. Simple Straightforward
431. Complex Intricate
432. Funny Comical
433. Serious Earnest
434. True Veracious
435. False Erroneous
436. Interesting Stimulating
437. Boring Dreary
438. Safe Invulnerable
449. Dangerous Treacherous
440. Loud Raucous
441. Quiet Hushed
442. New Contemporary
443. Old Obsolete
444.. Important Paramount
445. Unimportant Negligible
446. Love Idolize
447. Hate Abhor
448. Happy Joyful
449. Sad Desolate
450. Good Remarkable
Daily Used Normal Vs. Advanced English Words with PDF

Advanced English Words

Sr. No Normal Vocabulary Words Advanced Vocabulary Words
451. Bad Detestable
452. Beautiful Stunning
453.. Ugly Hideous
454. Big Massive
455. Small Diminutive
456. Fast Prompt
457. Slow Ponderous
458. Hard Grueling
460. Easy Effortless
461. Smart Savvy
462.. Dumb Dense
463. Rich Well-to-do
464. Poor Needy
465. Brave Intrepid
466. Coward Cringing
467. Clean Spotless
468. Dirty Mucky
469. Strong Resilient
470. Weak Frail
471. Young Adolescent
472. Old Elderly
473. Hot Sweltering
474. Cold Freezing
475. Dark Shadowy
476. Light Luminous
477. Happy Blissful
478. Angry Wrathful
479. Simple Uncomplicated
480. Complex Sophisticated
481. Funny Witty
482. Tell Inform
483. Say Utter
484. Ask Inquire
485. Answer Respond
486. Read Peruse
487. Write Compose
488. Speak Articulate
489. Understandable Intelligible
490. Confused Perplexed
491. Clear Transparent
492. Foggy Obscure
493. Excited Enthusiastic
494. Tired Fatigued
495. Energetic Vigorous
496. Lazy Indolent
497. Active Dynamic
498. Comfortable Cozy
499. Uncomfortable Uneasy
500. Stupid Imbecilic
Daily Used Normal Vs. Advanced English Words with PDF

Normal English Words


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About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University, having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to students with diverse cultures. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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