
Examples of Nouns and Their Types with PDF

Examples of Nouns and Their Types with PDF
Written by Vocabish

Learn the usage, rules, and examples of a noun along with their types in English. In this lesson, we will learn the examples of a noun and their different types in English. The PDF book of this lesson is attached at the bottom of this page. You can download it with one click. Let’s begin with today’s lesson…

Examples of Nouns and Their Types

In this section, I am going to share with you a list of sentences and words that we use as nouns, and we will also talk about their types. Here are 10 example sentences and words for each type of noun:

Definition of a Noun:

A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea. For example:

  1. Book: I am reading a new book.
  2. Teacher: The teacher explained the lesson well.
  3. City: Paris is a beautiful city.
  4. Dog: The dog barked at the strangers.
  5. Car: She drives a fast car.
  6. School: My brother attends a public school.
  7. Apple: I ate a red apple for lunch.
  8. Love: Love is a powerful emotion.
  9. Water: We need water to stay hydrated.
  10. Family: My family is going on vacation next week.

1. Common Nouns

Common nouns refer to general items, not specific names.

Common nouns Words:

  • dog, car, house, school, book, chair, table, city, phone, teacher.

Common nouns Sentences:

    1. The dog is barking outside.
    2. She drives a fast car.
    3. We live in a small house.
    4. My brother goes to school every day.
    5. I’m reading a fascinating book.
    6. The chair in the corner is broken.
    7. Please set the table for dinner.
    8. The city was crowded during the festival.
    9. My phone battery is low.
    10. The teacher explained the lesson clearly.

2. Proper Nouns

Proper nouns name specific people, places, or things and are always capitalized.

Proper nouns Words:

  • John, London, Amazon, Monday, Eiffel Tower, January, Pakistan, Google, Shakespeare, Toyota.

Proper nouns Sentences:

    1. John is my best friend.
    2. London is a busy city.
    3. I bought a book from Amazon.
    4. We have a meeting on Monday.
    5. The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark.
    6. January is the first month of the year.
    7. Pakistan won the cricket match.
    8. I found the answer on Google.
    9. Shakespeare wrote many plays.
    10. Toyota is a reliable car brand.

3. Collective Nouns

Collective nouns refer to a group of things or people as a single unit.

Collective nouns Words:

  • team, family, herd, bunch, class, army, audience, flock, committee, staff.

Collective nouns Sentences:

    1. The team won the match.
    2. My family is going on vacation.
    3. A herd of cows grazed in the field.
    4. She gave me a bunch of flowers.
    5. The class took a field trip to the museum.
    6. The army marched through the city.
    7. The audience applauded loudly.
    8. A flock of birds flew overhead.
    9. The committee made the final decision.
    10. The school staff is very helpful.

4. Abstract Nouns

Abstract nouns refer to things that cannot be seen or touched, such as ideas or feelings.

Abstract nouns Words:

  • love, freedom, courage, happiness, trust, wisdom, anger, peace, kindness, friendship.

Abstract nouns Sentences:

    1. Love is a powerful emotion.
    2. Everyone values their freedom.
    3. He showed great courage during the battle.
    4. Happiness is the key to a good life.
    5. We need to build trust in our relationships.
    6. Wisdom comes with experience.
    7. His anger was evident in his voice.
    8. We all long for world peace.
    9. Kindness is appreciated by everyone.
    10. Their friendship lasted for decades.

5. Concrete Nouns

Concrete nouns are tangible and can be experienced through the five senses.

Concrete nouns Words:

  • apple, computer, ocean, book, car, tree, coffee, pencil, guitar, ice cream.

Concrete nouns Sentences:

    1. I ate a juicy apple.
    2. The computer crashed unexpectedly.
    3. We swam in the ocean all day.
    4. I’m reading an interesting book.
    5. She bought a new car last week.
    6. A tall tree stands outside my window.
    7. I enjoy drinking a cup of coffee in the morning.
    8. He sharpened his pencil before the exam.
    9. She played the guitar beautifully.
    10. The ice cream melted in the sun.

6. Countable Nouns

Countable nouns can be counted and have singular and plural forms.

Countable nouns Words:

  • chair, apple, idea, cat, bottle, shirt, student, star, coin, tree.

Countable nouns Sentences:

    1. I bought two chairs for the kitchen.
    2. She ate an apple after lunch.
    3. He shared some interesting ideas during the meeting.
    4. The cat is sleeping on the couch.
    5. There are five bottles of water on the table.
    6. I need to buy a new shirt.
    7. The student raised her hand to ask a question.
    8. We saw hundreds of stars in the night sky.
    9. I found a coin on the ground.
    10. The tree in the garden is blooming.

7. Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable nouns refer to substances or concepts that cannot be counted.

Uncountable nouns Words:

  • water, sugar, air, music, furniture, advice, rice, money, love, information.

Uncountable nouns Sentences:

    1. Water is essential for life.
    2. Can you pass the sugar, please?
    3. We need fresh air to breathe.
    4. I love listening to music.
    5. The furniture in the house is modern.
    6. He gave me some good advice.
    7. There’s plenty of rice in the kitchen.
    8. We need to save more money for the trip.
    9. Love makes life more meaningful.
    10. I received useful information about the course.

8. Singular Nouns

Singular nouns refer to one person, place, thing, or idea.

Singular nouns Words:

  • cat, car, book, apple, tree, student, pen, bag, chair, flower.

Singular nouns Sentences:

    1. The cat is sleeping.
    2. She has a red car.
    3. I’m reading a new book.
    4. He ate an apple after lunch.
    5. The tree in the yard is tall.
    6. A student asked a question in class.
    7. He picked up his pen to write.
    8. I need to buy a new bag.
    9. The chair is comfortable.
    10. The flower smells nice.

9. Plural Nouns

Plural nouns refer to more than one person, place, thing, or idea.

Plural nouns Words:

  • dogs, cars, books, apples, trees, students, pens, bags, chairs, flowers.

Plural nouns Sentences:

    1. The dogs are playing in the park.
    2. There are many cars on the road.
    3. I have three books on my shelf.
    4. We bought some fresh apples.
    5. The trees in the forest are beautiful.
    6. The students listened carefully to the teacher.
    7. He collects different pens.
    8. I carried two bags to the car.
    9. The chairs around the table are new.
    10. She picked some flowers from the garden.

10. Possessive Nouns

Possessive nouns show ownership or relationship.

Possessive nouns Words:

  • John’s, Sarah’s, cat’s, car’s, teacher’s, company’s, dog’s, house’s, man’s, child’s.

Possessive nouns Sentences:

    1. This is John’s book.
    2. Sarah’s bag is on the chair.
    3. The cat’s tail is long.
    4. The car’s engine is noisy.
    5. The teacher’s explanation was clear.
    6. The company’s profits increased this year.
    7. The dog’s bowl is empty.
    8. The house’s roof needs repairing.
    9. The man’s coat is hanging by the door.
    10. The child’s toy is on the floor.

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About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University, having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to students with diverse cultures. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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