
Examples of Verbs and Their Types in English with PDF

Examples of Verbs and Their Types in English with PDF
Written by Vocabish

Learn the use of action, stative, transitive, intransitive, linking, auxiliary, modal, regular, irregular, and phrasal verbs in sentences. In this lesson, we are going to share with you some very helpful examples of verbs along with their types in English. Learning this lesson will help you to understand that how we can use the verbs and their types in our conversation. We use these words in our daily lives, but we don’t know how to use them in English. After learning the entire lesson, you will be able to use the verbs and their ten types correctly. Let’s learn…

Examples of Verbs and Their Types

In our previous lessons, we learned about nouns and pronouns kinds with their helpful use in sentences. Now, here I am going to share with you the examples of verbs along with their types. We will learn the basic use of verbs types and ten examples of each.

To follow this series of examples, you can visit the below links:

1. Action Verbs (Dynamic Verbs)

These verbs describe actions or activities.

Action Verbs Examples: Run, Jump, Swim, Dance, Eat, Drive, Kick, Write, Sing, Walk


  • He runs five miles every morning.
  • She jumps over the fence with ease.
  • They swim in the ocean during the summer.
  • The kids love to dance at the party.
  • I eat breakfast every day before work.
  • She drives to the office in her new car.
  • He kicked the soccer ball into the goal.
  • She writes letters to her friends regularly.
  • He sings beautifully in the choir.
  • We walk to school every morning.
Examples of Verbs and Their Types in English with PDF

Action Verbs

2. Stative Verbs

These describe states or conditions that are static.

Stative Verbs Examples: Love, Know, Believe, Understand, Want, Need, Belong, Seem, Appear, Hate


  • I love chocolate ice cream.
  • She knows the answer to the question.
  • They believe in the power of teamwork.
  • He understands the problem now.
  • I want a new pair of shoes.
  • She needs more time to finish the project.
  • This book belongs to me.
  • He seems happy with the decision.
  • The clouds appear dark and stormy.
  • She hates getting up early in the morning.
Examples of Verbs and Their Types in English with PDF

Stative Verbs

3. Transitive Verbs

These verbs require a direct object to complete their meaning.

Transitive Verbs Examples: Buy, Watch, Carry, Eat, Give, Throw, Take, Hold, Send, Paint


  • I bought a new book yesterday.
  • She watches TV every night.
  • He carries his backpack to school.
  • We ate pizza for dinner.
  • She gave me a beautiful gift.
  • He threw the ball to his friend.
  • She takes her coffee to work every morning.
  • He held the baby carefully.
  • She sent a letter to her grandparents.
  • They painted the house over the weekend.
Examples of Verbs and Their Types in English with PDF

Transitive Verbs

4. Intransitive Verbs

These do not require a direct object.

Intransitive Verbs Examples: Arrive, Sleep, Cry, Laugh, Run, Walk, Jump, Grow, Swim, Talk


  • She arrived late to the meeting.
  • The baby sleeps peacefully in his crib.
  • He cried when he lost his toy.
  • They laughed at the funny joke.
  • She ran to catch the bus.
  • He walks in the park every morning.
  • The cat jumped onto the chair.
  • The plants grow well in sunlight.
  • She swims in the lake every weekend.
  • They talked for hours on the phone.
Examples of Verbs and Their Types in English with PDF

Intransitive Verbs

5. Linking Verbs

These verbs link the subject to additional information about the subject.

Linking Verbs Examples: Be, Seem, Appear, Become, Look, Feel, Sound, Taste, Stay, Remain


  • She is a talented artist.
  • He seems tired today.
  • The sky appears cloudy this morning.
  • She became a doctor after years of study.
  • He looks happy with his results.
  • The food tastes delicious.
  • This song sounds amazing.
  • He feels better after resting.
  • They stayed at the hotel last night.
  • The situation remains the same.
Examples of Verbs and Their Types in English with PDF

Linking Verbs

6. Auxiliary Verbs (Helping Verbs)

These verbs are used with a main verb to help form tenses, questions, etc.

Auxiliary Verbs Examples: Be, Have, Do, Will, Shall, Can, May, Must, Could, Should


  • I am going to the store.
  • He is studying for his exam.
  • They are playing football.
  • She was reading a book.
  • We were waiting for the bus.
  • They have been working all day.
  • You will be late if you don’t hurry.
  • I am being patient.
  • She has been sick recently.
  • He will be visiting us soon.
Examples of Verbs and Their Types in English with PDF

Auxiliary Verbs

7. Modal Verbs

These express ability, possibility, permission, or obligation.

Modal Verbs Examples: Can, Could, May, Might, Must, Shall, Should, Will, Would, Ought


  • He can play the guitar very well.
  • She could finish the task by tomorrow.
  • You may leave the room.
  • They might go to the party later.
  • You must follow the rules.
  • I shall call you when I get home.
  • You should try this new restaurant.
  • He will be here soon.
  • She would love to join us.
  • You ought to apologize to her.
Examples of Verbs and Their Types in English with PDF

Modal Verbs

8. Regular Verbs

These follow a predictable pattern when forming the past tense (adding “-ed”).

Regular Verbs Examples: Walk, Play, Jump, Look, Clean, Cook, Call, Open, Start, Stop


  • She walked to the park yesterday.
  • We played soccer after school.
  • He jumped over the fence easily.
  • She looked at the painting for hours.
  • They cleaned the house on Saturday.
  • I cooked dinner for the family.
  • She called her friend last night.
  • He opened the door for me.
  • We started the project last week.
  • They stopped working at 5 p.m.
Examples of Verbs and Their Types in English with PDF

Regular Verbs

9. Irregular Verbs

These do not follow a regular pattern when forming the past tense.

Irregular Verbs Examples: Go, Come, See, Take, Drink, Give, Break, Speak, Write, Begin


  • I go to the gym every morning.
  • She went to the store yesterday.
  • They will go on vacation next month.
  • He goes to work by bus.
  • We have gone to the same school.
  • The children are going to the park.
  • She had gone before the party started.
  • He went without saying goodbye.
  • They are going to the movies.
  • I will go as soon as I finish my work.
Examples of Verbs and Their Types in English with PDF

Irregular Verbs

10. Phrasal Verbs

These are verbs combined with prepositions or adverbs, forming new meanings.

Phrasal Verbs Examples: Look after, Give up, Call off, Break down, Run into, Get along, Pick up, Put off, Take off, Turn on


  • She looks after her little brother every day.
  • He gave up smoking last year.
  • They called off the meeting due to rain.
  • My car broke down on the way home.
  • I ran into my old friend at the mall.
  • They get along well with each other.
  • He picked up the keys from the floor.
  • She put off the assignment until later.
  • The plane took off on time.
  • Can you turn on the light, please?
Examples of Verbs and Their Types in English with PDF

Phrasal Verbs

So, that was our today’s lesson where we learned about the use of verbs and their types in English. Now, you can download a free PDF book of this lesson with one click:

Examples of Verbs and Their Types


  1. Nouns and Their Types
  2. Pronouns and Their Kinds
  3. Fruits Vocabulary in English
  4. Vegetable Names in English
  5. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Forms

About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University, having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to students with diverse cultures. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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