Action Verbs in English
Action verbs are words that show what someone or something does. They describe actions, whether physical (like “run”) or mental (like “think”). Using action verbs makes your sentences clear and lively.
Here is a list of common action verbs, grouped by categories:
Basic Actions Action Verbs List:
- Walk
- Run
- Eat
- Drink
- Sleep
- Talk
- Sit
- Stand
- Read
- Write
- Listen
- Watch
- Play
- Jump
- Sing
- Dance
- Laugh
- Cry
- See
- Hear
Emotions and Feelings Action Verbs List:
- Love
- Hate
- Fear
- Desire
- Hope
- Wonder
- Miss
- Envy
- Admire
- Regret
Intellectual Activities Action Verbs List:
- Think
- Consider
- Analyze
- Decide
- Learn
- Know
- Understand
- Believe
- Remember
- Forget
Communication Action Verbs List:
- Say
- Tell
- Speak
- Argue
- Discuss
- Describe
- Announce
- Whisper
- Shout
- Explain
Physical Movements Action Verbs List:
- Climb
- Swim
- Dive
- Slide
- Throw
- Catch
- Push
- Pull
- Lift
- Drop
Work-Related Action Verbs List:
- Manage
- Organize
- Plan
- Design
- Create
- Build
- Repair
- Teach
- Train
- Lead
Art and Creation Action Verbs List:
- Paint
- Draw
- Sketch
- Carve
- Mold
- Perform
- Compose
- Choreograph
- Photograph
- Film
Daily Routines Action Verbs List:
- Cook
- Clean
- Wash
- Brush
- Dress
- Iron
- Shop
- Drive
- Charge
- Replace
Travel and Movement Action Verbs List:
- Fly
- Sail
- Hike
- Navigate
- Explore
- Discover
- Visit
- Arrive
- Depart
- Journey
Conflict and Resolution Action Verbs List:
- Fight
- Defend
- Challenge
- Surrender
- Reconcile
- Oppose
- Resist
- Yield
- Embrace
- Accept
Nature and Environment Action Verbs List:
- Plant
- Grow
- Harvest
- Bloom
- Nurture
- Water
- Recycle
- Preserve
- Pollute
Helping and Caring Action Verbs List:
- Help
- Support
- Save
- Heal
- Rescue
- Comfort
- Encourage
- Guide
- Teach
- Protect
Sports and Exercise Action Verbs List:
- Kick
- Throw
- Catch
- Run
- Jump
- Stretch
- Lift
- Train
- Race
- Score
Technology and Gadgets Action Verbs List:
- Type
- Click
- Scroll
- Download
- Upload
- Search
- Edit
- Update
- Charge
Business and Money Action Verbs List:
- Earn
- Spend
- Save
- Invest
- Buy
- Sell
- Trade
- Negotiate
- Borrow
- Lend
Cooking and Eating:
- Bake
- Fry
- Boil
- Chop
- Mix
- Serve
- Taste
- Chew
- Swallow
- Digest
Weather and Natural Forces Action Verbs List:
- Shine
- Rain
- Storm
- Freeze
- Melt
- Blow
- Drift
- Flood
- Thunder
- Erupt
Shopping and Fashion Action Verbs List:
- Wear
- Try
- Match
- Choose
- Style
- Design
- Sew
- Iron
- Fold
- Pack
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